It is my extreme pleasure, to introduce you to a great Capoeira Mestre, and an amazing human being. This is, Mestre Negoativo.

Yes, this video is in Portuguese, and as I said all over this website, you don’t need to learn Portuguese to learn capoeira, but you should. I personally recommend

Mestre Negoativo, a Cultural Activist and Researcher of Afro-Mineira traditions of Bantu and Vissungo origin, has dedicated his life to shedding light on the rich cultural heritage of his ancestors. His invaluable contributions have made a profound impact in preserving and promoting the traditions of Bantu and Vissungo origin in the beautiful city of Bela Horizonte, where he is the esteemed founder of the Lamparina Cultural Center. His passion for the preservation of these traditions is eloquently captured in his book “Capoeiragem no País das Gerais”, which stands as a testament to his unwavering commitment to honoring his roots.

One cannot help but be captivated by Mestre Negoativo’s deep-seated adoration for music, particularly his reverence for the berimbau. His profound connection to this instrument is truly inspiring, as he speaks about it with unparalleled love and devotion. It is through individuals like Mestre Negoativo that the cultural tapestry of our world is enriched, and his dedication serves as a beacon of inspiration for future generations.


His inspiration are the great masters WALDEMAR, GATO PRETO, CANJIQUINHA, and TRAIRA. A lot of their knowledge about the berimbau was lost over the years and the rhythms they played were almost forgotten. Mestre Negoativo makes it his mission to keep this knowledge alive by passing this knowledge to his students. In this video and the description below, Mestre Negoativo gives us some study material to work on, as well as links for those who want to buy his berimbaus, which I highly recommend.

The dedication and passion of Mestre Negoativo towards preserving the rich history and music of the berimbau is truly inspiring. His commitment to passing down the knowledge and tradition of the great masters demonstrates a deep respect for the cultural heritage associated with this iconic instrument. By providing study material and links for purchasing berimbaus, Mestre Negoativo not only shares his expertise but also encourages others to engage with the instrument and carry forward its legacy.

It’s remarkable to see individuals like Mestre Negoativo who strive to ensure that the traditions and rhythms played by the great masters are not forgotten. Through his guidance, a new generation of students can learn from the wisdom of the past and contribute to the preservation of this invaluable cultural heritage. I join in the recommendation to explore the berimbaus offered by Mestre Negoativo, as they are a testament to his dedication and are sure to enhance any enthusiast’s musical journey.

Os 12 sons do Berimbau – de – Barriga. Material de Estudo disponível

Recomendado – Material de Estudo Módulo 1 – Musicalidade Consciente

Recomendado – Material de Estudo Módulo 2 – Musicalidade Consciente

Recomendado – Material de Estudo Módulo 3 – Musicalidade Consciente

Recomendado – Material de Estudo Módulos 1, 2 e 3 – Musicalidade Consciente

Ateliê da Lamparina – Berimbaus

Recomendado – Single – Angola – Arco Ancestral – Spotify

Grupo de Estudos – Musicalidade Consciente



I’ve had the pleasure of meeting him in Los Angeles, on the first leg of his 2022 U.S.A. tour.


For 4 magickal days, he shared some of his vast knowledge with us. This is what CHARLES WILLIAMS, my capoeira angola teacher had to say about him:

“Mestre Negoativo is a force of nature. I feel that there are people and or events in our lives that when they interact with us that we are a better person for it. From the moment he landed until he departed each day was filled with laughter, learning, and fun.

The correlation between capoeira and nature is interconnected; capoeiristas rely on mother nature for sustenance, nurturing, care, and life. I felt Mestre Negoativo’s arrival on Earth Day weekend was synchronous especially with his view on the connection between capoeira and nature.

Mestre spoke out against the deforestation of the rainforest as a voice of the Amazon, and shared his knowledge and insight about the conscious musicality of capoeira and its African roots at the El Sereno community Garden, Eastside Cafe Caracol & Capoeira Batuque’s Main Studio in Culver City.

Thank you Mestre Negoativo for bringing your funk, your flavor, and dende! We got down like James Brown and had to get on up like Curtis Mayfield.”

Now, let me tell you what I got out his visit.

The art of Capoeira truly embodies the essence of nature. When we hosted him in Los Angeles, we had the opportunity to spend quality time with him, partake in meals together, and participate in his enlightening workshops. It’s difficult to fully capture the depth of these experiences, but being in his presence unveiled the profound connection between Capoeira and the natural world.

Allow me to elaborate on this notion.

Much like various species in the animal kingdom, human beings have the capacity to be domesticated. Our societal norms have cultivated an environment where domestication is not only prevalent but also encouraged. From the early stages of life, we are subjected to a process of domestication that has been perpetuated over countless generations, despite the fact that humans have spent the majority of their existence in a wild state. This domestication necessitates the suppression of intrinsic qualities that define our humanity, such as our innate awareness, boundless passion and joy, and our yearning to wholeheartedly embrace each and every moment of our lives.

You can say that Capoeira is an antidote to this domestication.

When we learn Capoeira, we can develop the aforementioned attributes (Among other qualities), and in the process, become better people.

The specific relevant content for this request, if necessary, delimited with characters: This lession was impressed on me the day we went hiking near Eaton Canyon Falls in Pasadena, Ca. We had brought instruments with us, and I started to play a pandeiro, the way I was taught. Now personally, I thought I was getting a good rhythm out of it, but when Mestre Negoativo took the pandeiro from me and proceeded to show us how HE played it, I was amazed. The way he played was so vibrant, so ALIVE. It made me want to dance, to move, to PLAY right then and there.

As Mestre Negoativo skillfully demonstrated his mastery of the pandeiro, I was captivated by the infectious energy and rhythm that emanated from his playing. It was as if the music was breathing, pulsing with life and exuberance, igniting a newfound passion within me. His skilled hands brought forth a melody that seemed to resonate with the very soul of the surroundings, inspiring a deep connection between music and nature. The cascading waters of Eaton Canyon Falls provided the perfect backdrop to witness the magic of his performance, creating a symphony with the elements of nature.

The experience left an indelible impression upon me, reinforcing the profound influence that a true master can have on one’s artistic journey. It was a moment of revelation, a realization that there are infinite layers to uncover within the realm of music, and that each encounter with a masterful performance opens new doors of creativity and expression. Mestre Negoativo’s virtuosity not only ignited a desire to elevate my own musicality but also a yearning to fully immerse myself in the moment, allowing the music to guide my movements and emotions, transcending the boundaries of mere performance and evolving into a transformative experience.

It’s quite fascinating how in Capoeira, proficiency in playing musical instruments or singing traditional songs may not always translate into the ability to convey the true essence of the art. While many individuals possess the technical skills to excel in these musical aspects, they might struggle to infuse their performances with the genuine emotions of joy, passion, and playfulness that are integral to the Capoeira experience. They may go through the motions of playing or singing without truly bringing the music to life.

Capoeira’s melodic and rhythmic components serve as a means to enhance the overall experience, creating an atmosphere that embodies the spirit of the practice. It’s about more than just technical proficiency; it’s about embodying the soul of the art form and allowing that to shine through in every note and lyric. This authenticity is what truly elevates the music within Capoeira, transforming it from a routine rendition into a vibrant, living expression of culture and tradition.

This is VERY important, because in a Roda, the quality of the games is greatly affected by the quality of the bateria (band).

I posted this video to try to show you what I’m talking about here… Of course the mestre didn’t go into as much detail as he does in this video, but with some lessons, you just have to BE THERE to understand.


Now as far as fighting goes…

“For thousands of years, survival was linked to our ability to kill
and destroy. Today and in the future, survival will depend on our
capacity to live in peace with other men and with nature. Modern man
needs to reprogram his mind. He needs to channel in another direction
the energy used in war and in the killing of other men and animals.
We think capoeira can make a contribution to this process.”

– Nestor Capoeira

Inside all of us is a natural ability to deal with conflict, whether that conflict is verbal or physical in nature. While we’re learning Capoeira, we explore how its practice can develop confidence, a shift in our perception of conflict, and ultimately, a path into our most natural and effective state of being. This ancient Afro-Brazilian martial art form not only hones physical agility and strength but also instills a deep sense of rhythm and flow, reflecting the ebb and flow of conflict in our lives. As we immerse ourselves in the mesmerizing movements of Capoeira, we uncover a newfound sense of connection between mind, body, and spirit, enabling us to approach conflict with grace and composure. Through the harmonious blend of dance, acrobatics, and martial arts, Capoeira teaches us to embrace conflicts as opportunities for growth and self-discovery, transcending fear and resistance to move towards a state of equilibrium and inner strength.


Now, I want to switch gears a bit and tell you about a place that is special to Mestre Negoativo’s heart, and the hearts of the community of MARIA GORETTILAMPARINA.

LAMPARINA holds a unique place in the hearts of both Mestre Negoativo and the community of MARIA GORETTI. It represents a significant part of their collective experiences and memories. The name itself carries a sense of significance, evoking emotions and connections that run deep. It stands as a testament to the shared history and bonds that tie the community together. Whether through traditions, stories, or shared moments of joy and reflection, LAMPARINA is a vital thread in the fabric of their lives. As Mestre Negoativo shares this aspect of his connection to LAMPARINA, it is clear that this place holds a profound and cherished significance that resonates with all who are part of the community.


The specific relevant content for this request, if necessary, delimited with characters: The Cultural Center doesn’t pay salaries and fees, as all artistic and educational work is voluntary. However, there is a fixed monthly expense for the maintenance of the space and assistance for the transport of the workshops, to subsidize, light, water, cleaning, transport and snacks for the participants, janitor, internet/telephone and transport.

The emphasis on voluntary artistic and educational work at the Cultural Center reflects a deep commitment to community engagement and participation. By facilitating an environment where individuals can contribute their time and skills voluntarily, the center fosters a sense of collective ownership and collaboration. This approach not only enriches the cultural offerings within the community but also promotes a spirit of unity and shared responsibility.

While the absence of salaries and fees underscores the non-commercial nature of the center, it’s important to recognize the fixed monthly expenses essential for sustaining the space and supporting the workshops. These costs encompass various aspects such as maintaining the infrastructure, providing assistance for transportation, subsidizing utilities like electricity and water, as well as ensuring a clean and hospitable environment for all participants. Additionally, the provision of snacks, support for the staff, and coverage of communication expenses further demonstrate the commitment to creating an inclusive and supportive space for artistic and educational activities.

This model of operation not only relies on the dedication and goodwill of volunteers but also necessitates careful financial planning and community support to cover essential expenses. By transparently outlining the monthly costs, the Cultural Center invites the community to understand and contribute to the sustainability of this valuable resource. It’s through these collective efforts that the center can continue to thrive and serve as a hub for creativity, learning, and cultural exchange.

Through the Evoé Cultural platform, they hope to make a monthly recurring collection of BRL 1,500.00 ($287.05), which is essential for expenses.

If you would like to learn more about Lamparina, and/or would like to donate, please check out the links below.

And for those of you with mobile phones…


So, what is Mestre Negoativo up to these days?


Well, currently he is still teaching in many places, whether in person or in online classes, and researching about the Berimbau de Barriga, its historical processes, and the transformations of African-based musicality in the transition to the 21st century.

As an expert in his field, his dedication to teaching and extensive research on the Berimbau de Barriga and the evolution of African-based musicality into the 21st century have had a profound impact. His commitment to sharing knowledge through both traditional in-person classes and modern online platforms has allowed him to reach a diverse audience, ensuring that his valuable expertise is widely accessible. Through his ongoing research, he continues to unravel the historical processes of the Berimbau de Barriga, shedding light on its cultural significance and evolution over time. This work not only enriches our understanding of this musical tradition but also preserves and promotes its legacy for future generations.


And speaking of music…

Yes, I realize that I posted this song on another PAGE, but I just LOVE this song.

Yes, he’s also been making some great albums.


If you’re interested in staying informed about his latest activities and upcoming events, these links will provide you with all the necessary information. Whether it’s his latest projects, events, or any other updates, you’ll find everything you need by following the links below. Keep abreast of all the exciting developments by clicking on the links and staying connected with his current endeavors!