Mestre Cobra Mansa (born Cinézio Feliciano Peçanha, 1960 in Duque de Caxias, Brazil) commonly known as Cobrinha and Cobrinha Mansa, is a mestre of Capoeira Angola. He is one of the most esteemed figures within the Capoeira community, revered for his exceptional skill, innovative approach, and influential leadership.

Throughout his illustrious career, Mestre Cobra Mansa has played a pivotal role in the development and global expansion of Capoeira Angola. As the guiding light of the renowned organization FICA (Fundaçao Internacional de Capoeira de Angola), or ICAF (International Capoeira Angola Foundation), he has steadfastly upheld the rich traditions of this Afro-Brazilian martial art while fostering its growth on a global scale. FICA/ICAF stands as the largest and most influential Capoeira organization in the world, with a significant presence across several continents.

Mestre Cobra Mansa’s impact transcends geographical boundaries, as the organization collaborates with US NGOs and affiliates from the United States, establishing schools and centers across North and South America, Europe, and Asia. This far-reaching influence underscores his commitment to sharing the beauty and cultural significance of Capoeira Angola with diverse communities worldwide.

The monikers “Cobra Mansa,” meaning “tame snake,” and “Cobrinha,” translating to “little cobra” in Portuguese, encapsulate the essence of Mestre Cobra Mansa’s approach to Capoeira. His graceful, yet deceptive and swift style of play has earned him widespread acclaim and respect within the Capoeira community. Renowned for his ability to transform moments through innovative and acrobatic techniques, he has solidified his status as one of the most influential Angoleiros of his generation.

Mestre Cobra Mansa’s journey in Capoeira traces back to 1973, when he commenced his practice under the tutelage of Josias da Silva and Raimundo in the vibrant Rio neighborhood of Duque de Caxias. His formative years included participating in the Duque Caxias street rodas and co-founding the Caxias Street Roda alongside Rogerio Russo and Peixinho de Caxias, laying the groundwork for his future contributions to the art form.

Mestre Cobra Mansa’s unwavering dedication, innovative spirit, and profound impact on the global Capoeira community continue to resonate, ensuring his enduring legacy within the rich tapestry of Capoeira Angola.

In 1974, Cobra Mansa began his journey as a student of Mestre Moraes after witnessing Moraes’s captivating performance in the Roda of Central Brazil. This momentous encounter marked the beginning of Mansa’s deep immersion into the world of Capoeira Angola. The path that led him to this pivotal point was itself rich and diverse. Notably, before embracing Capoeira Angola, Mansa pursued a variety of occupations, including working in the field of photography, engaging in street vending within the vibrant environment of a circus (Circo Picolino), and even serving as a police officer for a span of two years in the state of Belo Horizonte.

In 1980, alongside his revered teacher Moraes, Mansa embarked on the meaningful journey of founding the Grupo Capoeira Angola Pelorinho (GCAP). This endeavor was particularly focused on providing support and guidance to children and orphans who hailed from challenging backgrounds in Salvador, Bahia. Through GCAP, Mansa and Moraes sought to create a nurturing space where these individuals could find strength and purpose through the practice of Capoeira Angola, fostering a sense of community and belonging. This noble initiative not only showcased the transformative power of Capoeira Angola but also highlighted the unwavering dedication of Mansa and Moraes to uplifting the lives of those in need.

The journey of Cobra Mansa stands as a testament to the profound impact of Capoeira Angola, not only as a martial art and form of self-expression but also as a vehicle for positive change within communities. His unwavering commitment to his craft and to the well-being of others resonates as a powerful example of the transformative potential inherent in the practice of Capoeira Angola.

At some point during the later years of GCAP, Cobrinha and Moraes had a difference over the direction of the school where they were both authority figures. The result was the departure of Mestre Cobrinha and several other members of GCAP as well as the formation of FICA. On invitation from the AUSAR AUSET SOCIETY, Cobrinha moved to the United States and opened a school in Washington DC around 1994, which was solely dedicated to the teaching of Capoeira Angola. He later became an Adjunct Professor at George Washington University, and then eventually president of the newly formed FICA. In 2004 he left the United States to make his home in Salvador da Bahia, Brazil and created the KILOMBO TENONDE.

During his journey, Cobrinha dedicated himself to preserving the heritage and traditions of Capoeira Angola, spreading its teachings and philosophy to a broader audience. He actively participated in various cultural events and workshops, becoming a renowned figure in the international Capoeira community. His efforts in promoting the artform and empowering its practitioners were widely recognized, earning him accolades and honors from numerous institutions.

As a respected leader and educator, Cobrinha’s impact extended beyond the realm of Capoeira Angola. He advocated for social and cultural awareness, using his platform to address pertinent issues and promote inclusivity. His commitment to fostering a supportive and nurturing environment within the Capoeira community resonated with many, inspiring a new generation of enthusiasts and practitioners.

In addition to his influential role within the Capoeira community, Cobrinha’s dedication to academic pursuits led him to collaborate with educational institutions, furthering the scholarly study of Capoeira’s history and significance. His work contributed to a deeper understanding of the art’s cultural significance and its relevance in contemporary society, bridging the gap between academia and traditional practice.

Cobrinha’s legacy continues to thrive through the numerous students and practitioners he has mentored, establishing a profound and enduring impact on the global Capoeira community. His unwavering passion for Capoeira Angola and commitment to its principles have solidified his reputation as a revered authority within the artform. As he remains dedicated to preserving and enriching the legacy of Capoeira Angola, his contributions embody the essence of tradition, perseverance, and cultural exchange.

The organization mentioned is currently based in two distinct sites, each serving different functions within the community. The first site, located in Valencia, south of Bahia, operates as Quilombo Tenonde, providing space for Capoeira and permaculture activities. The promotion of Capoeira, a Brazilian martial art form with a strong cultural and historical significance, alongside the practice of permaculture for organic farming, reflects the organization’s commitment to preserving tradition and promoting sustainable living.

Click HERE to go to a wonderful New York Times article about this project. However, you’ll have to subscribe to see it.

The second site, situated in the suburb of Salvador, serves as a cultural center in Coutos. This center likely plays a crucial role in fostering artistic and cultural activities within the community, potentially hosting events, workshops, and exhibitions that celebrate local heritage and creativity. The geographic spread of the organization underscores its dedication to reaching and enriching diverse communities within the region, contributing to the preservation and evolution of cultural traditions.

The two sites, with their distinct focuses and offerings, together form an important part of the social and cultural fabric of the region, creating opportunities for community engagement, education, and empowerment.

And also, he recently completed a journey to the west-central region of Africa to search for the African roots of Capoeira.

Mestre Cobrinha is a legendary figure in the world of Capoeira Angola. His name is synonymous with expertise, skill, and a profound understanding of the art form’s historical and cultural roots. Renowned for his dynamic and aggressive style in the roda, his swift movements and quick reflexes never fail to captivate and impress both seasoned practitioners and newcomers alike. Aside from his prowess in the physical aspect of Capoeira Angola, Mestre Cobrinha’s scholarly approach sets him apart, as he delves deep into the rich tapestry of history and tradition that defines this captivating martial art. His dedication to preserving and promoting the essence of Capoeira Angola has earned him widespread respect, and his influence continues to resonate within the global Capoeira community.


The impact of this esteemed individual on the world of Capoeira is truly beyond measure. His steadfast commitment to Capoeira Angola has not only garnered him immense respect and admiration within these unique communities, but it has also left an indelible mark on the fabric of Capoeira as a whole. His legacy serves as an enduring wellspring of inspiration for numerous young Capoeiristas, while also commanding the profound admiration of those who have dedicated themselves to the art for many years. The influence of his work transcends generational boundaries, leaving a profound and everlasting imprint on the rich tapestry of Capoeira. His dedication, skill, and passion have truly shaped the Capoeira world, ensuring that his impact will be felt and celebrated for generations to come.