



Thanks to WoodwardTV for posting thus video on Youtube.

Hello Everyone.



And so you’d all know, by SELF DEFENSE, I mean the ability to keep a bad guy from harming you.

Well, to answer this question…

Practicing capoeira not only teaches the physical movements, but also the philosophy and the mindset required to effectively defend oneself. Capoeira is a martial art that encompasses a rich history and cultural significance, incorporating elements of dance, acrobatics, and music. It’s not simply about learning to fight, but about developing a comprehensive understanding of body mechanics, spatial awareness, and the ability to react swiftly and effectively in challenging situations.

The techniques and strategies of capoeira, when honed and implemented correctly, can indeed provide a very good foundation for self-defense. The dynamic and unconventional nature of capoeira movements can surprise and outmaneuver opponents, making it a valuable skill for self-protection. Additionally, the discipline and focus cultivated through capoeira practice can contribute to enhanced mental resilience, equipping practitioners with the confidence and determination necessary to defend themselves in various circumstances.

And also, the emphasis on creativity and adaptability in capoeira fosters an individual’s ability to assess and respond to a threat swiftly and with precision. This adaptive mindset, coupled with the physical prowess developed through consistent training, can empower individuals to navigate confrontations with skill and composure.

This is an article about MY take on the subject of self-defense, and how Capoeira, or more specifically Capoeira Angola, fits into it.

But first, I want you to watch this video.


And click HERE to check out his You Tube channel, “Armchair Violence”.

The discussion surrounding Capoeira’s multifaceted nature is an ever-present and valid topic within the Capoeira community. Over the years, this subject has consistently surfaced on numerous online Capoeira discussion forums, showcasing the enduring relevance and interest in exploring the diverse aspects of this art form.

However, I strongly believe that if you’re learning Capoeira, or any other Martial Art for that matter, you should be learning how to defend yourself, along with any other benefit you get out of it.

It is indeed true that within the world of Capoeira, there exist individuals who are completely dedicated to the philosophy of peace and love, choosing not to engage with certain aspects of this rich and multifaceted art form. For some, the physical and combative elements of Capoeira may not align with their personal beliefs and values, leading them to focus solely on the more harmonious and artistic expressions of this cultural practice. This preference is a valid reflection of the diverse perspectives within the Capoeira community, showcasing the varied ways in which individuals connect with and interpret this traditional Afro-Brazilian discipline.

THIS is what they want to see:


Now, I think this is AMAZING. It’s beautiful, it’s flowing, it’s dynamic, and yes, IT IS CAPOEIRA.




Yes, Capoeira is art, dance, philosophy, education, culture, spirituality, everything the mouth eats (to quote Mestre Pastinha)


One of the primary reasons, if not THE primary reason to learn and play Capoeira should be for self-defense. If you’re not training for SELF-DEFENSE, then YOU’RE NOT PRACTICING CAPOEIRA, PERIOD!!!

Now note that I typed SELF DEFENSE, NOT FIGHTING. And that’s because there’s a HUGE DIFFERENCE between SELF DEFENSE, and FIGHTING.

And speaking of FIGHTING, for you MMA sport fans out there who think Capoeira is useless in THAT arena, here’s two brothers from AXE CAPOEIRA proving y’all WRONG…

…But we’ll get more into MMA on another PAGE.

Hey, I know where you’re coming from. I GET IT.

The roda is where the spirit of capoeira truly comes alive. As the music fills the air and the energy of the game intensifies, there’s a profound sense of connection and unity that transcends language and culture. It’s a dance of resilience and artistry, a testament to the human spirit and the capacity for boundless creativity.

In the midst of the ginga and the acrobatics, there’s a deep well of tradition and history that flows through every movement. From the rhythms of the berimbau to the fluidity of the kicks and escapes, each element weaves together a rich tapestry of heritage and storytelling, honoring the roots of this captivating art form.

Capoeira is everything the mouth eats (there’s that quote again), it’s a beautiful celebration of ALL THE GOOD THINGS IN LIFE!


Yes, I GET THAT. But the intricate web of emotions and experiences that shape our existence encompasses a wide spectrum, from the euphoric highs of joy and compassion to the profound lows of fear, violence, and treachery. In the realm of capoeira, as in life, each contrasting element contributes to the richness of the human experience, weaving a tapestry of emotions and interactions that mirrors the complexities of our journey.

Embracing the essence of capoeira entails acknowledging its reflection of life in its entirety, encompassing the light and the dark, the positive and the negative, and recognizing that it is this amalgamation that brings depth and meaning to our existence, both on and off the roda.

Life, with all its complexities and contradictions, unfolds before us, encompassing joy, love, and friendship alongside fear, violence, and hate, offering lessons in compassion, forgiveness, and humor while also exposing us to pride, self-respect, and the need for revenge. In essence, capoeira, as a microcosm of life, invites us to embrace its holistic portrayal of the human experience, resonating with the myriad emotions and dynamics that shape our journey through this world.

And besides…

If you’re learning a Martial Art and you can’t defend yourself with it, then, HOW MUCH OF THE REST OF YOUR TRAINING IS A LIE?

Rorion Gracie

Many people on YouTube these days, when they want to show that their Martial Art is effective, search out or create videos showcasing its “effectiveness”, like the ones you see below.

It’s a common practice for martial artists to demonstrate their skills and techniques through carefully curated videos, aiming to highlight the strength and proficiency of their chosen discipline.


Now personally, I don’t care whether people think Capoeira is effective in a real fight or not. In fact, I like it more if people DON’T THINK IT’S EFFECTIVE in a fight, because it’s that more shocking to them when I end up beating the crap out of them with it.

(And by the way, “beating the crap out of them” in this sense doesn’t always mean physically dominating, or injuring a person).

But Anyway…

I believe that anyone and everyone who is serious about learning to defend themselves with Capoeira, or any other martial art, have to ask themselves this simple question.

“What are my reasons for learning Self Defense?”

The history of capoeira is rich with the stories of brave warriors who created and innovated what became this unique martial art. For them, the reasons for self-defense were simple but deeply meaningful. They sought to break free from the constraints of their circumstances and envision a different life for themselves and their children.


They refused to accept the status quo and were determined to carve out a path that offered more than the limitations imposed on them. This desire for freedom and a better future, not just for themselves but for the generations to come, is what fueled their dedication and creativity. Their legacy lives on in the vibrant movements and rhythms of capoeira, a reminder of their courage and resilience.


The skills mentioned were not only physical, but also mental and emotional. In addition to their physical training, these warriors had to develop strategies, tactics, and mental fortitude to outsmart their oppressors and survive in incredibly challenging circumstances. Each encounter was a test of their strength, agility, and wits. The constant threat of violence and the need to anticipate the actions of their adversaries sharpened their instincts and honed their ability to react swiftly and effectively.

The environment in which they operated required adaptability and resourcefulness, as well as the ability to blend into their surroundings and move discreetly to avoid capture or harm. The exigencies they faced demanded a level of mastery over their environment and the situations presented to them. Their determination and resilience in the face of overwhelming odds are a testament to the depth of their character and the extraordinary nature of their capabilities.


And those who managed to break free often sought refuge in Quilombos, self-sustained communities where they could live independently and away from the horrors of enslavement. Unfortunately, their newfound freedom was constantly threatened by those who sought to diminish it. Being a member of a Quilombo meant facing relentless attacks from slavers, soldiers, and militiamen, all determined to subjugate or annihilate these communities. The struggle was ongoing and the resilience of those in Quilombos was continually tested. These brave individuals fought for their liberty and the right to live free from the chains of oppression. The unwavering spirit of resistance and the will to defend their autonomy against formidable odds is a testament to the strength and courage of those who called the Quilombos home.


And despite this, there’s STILL many Quilombos in existence today in brazil…


Now towards the end of slavery in Brazil, and after, it was further developed by their descendants, men (and a few women) who were pushed to the margins of Brazilian society, and became gangsters, bandits, thieves, and even part of the Military from the late 18th till the early 20th centuries. Some of these figures became very famous, like Manduca da Praia, Nascimento Grande, Madame Sata, Lampiao, and Besouro.

During this period, these individuals played significant roles in shaping Brazilian history and culture. Their stories are a reflection of the societal, economic, and political conditions of the time, offering insights into the struggles and resilience of those who were marginalized. The legacy of these individuals, particularly in the context of capoeira, resonates with the spirit of resistance and survival.

Manduca da Praia, Nascimento Grande, Madame Sata, Lampiao, and Besouro, in their own unique ways, became emblematic of the defiance and strength that characterized an era marked by social upheaval and transformation. Their impact on Brazilian society reverberates through the annals of history, inspiring both scholarly exploration and popular fascination.

The complex interplay of factors that led to the emergence of these renowned individuals sheds light on the intricate tapestry of Brazilian history. Their contributions, while often controversial and multifaceted, continue to be a subject of exploration and debate, enriching our understanding of the dynamic forces that have shaped Brazil’s cultural landscape. Through their narratives, we glimpse the indomitable spirit of a people striving for identity, recognition, and empowerment.


Their needs  for Self-Defense were a bit different for these men and women  from the slaves who had to use it. These guys were gangsters and criminals who had to deal with gang warfare, often against people with the same skills as they had. In fact, a lot of these capoeiristas even allied themselves with groups in power, and became a part of what kept them in power.

It was ONLY in the 1930’s when Capoeira was permitted, and even then, only under certain conditions, and with the understanding that it would be taught AS A SPORT AND AS A FUN, ATHLETIC CULTURAL DANCE. In fact, when MESTRE BIMBA (The 1st capoeira mestre to start a academy) started his academy,  he couldn’t actually say that he was teaching Capoeira. On the advice of a student of his (Sinsanado, I believe), He named his school the CENTRO DE CULTURA FISICA REGIONAL BAIANA (Bahian Regional Physical Culture Center), and he called his style LUTA REGIONAL BAIANA (Bahian Fighting Style).


And later, in 1941, MESTRE PASTINHA started his academy, CENTRO ESPORTIVO DE CAPOEIRA ANGOLA, dedicated to teaching the traditional jogo de angola, as taught to him by his teacher, Benedito.


Now these 2 men, and their 1st generation students, were the very LAST generation of what was called the VALENTAOS, or tough guys, an era which produced guys like Manduca da Praia,  Besouro Manganga, and Madame Sata, who were mentioned above.

The historical and cultural context surrounding the practice of Capoeira is indeed quite fascinating. Mestres Bimba, Pastinha, Besouro, and Sata all contributed significantly to the development and popularization of Capoeira, each within their own unique circumstances and motivations.

Mestres Bimba and Pastinha, as contemporaries of Besouro and Sata, would have undoubtedly approached Capoeira with distinct perspectives. Considering the evolving societal dynamics and the changing landscape of Bahia during their time, the reasons for engaging in Capoeira would have been subtly nuanced. While the gangsters from earlier decades might have been driven by different motivations, these masters and their students likely sought to preserve and evolve the art form in response to their own experiences and the shifting realities of their era.

And, they’re certainly different from the millions of Capoeira Practitioners all over the World in the present day.


So once again,the main question you should ask yourself is,

“What are my reasons for learning Self Defense?”

This is a very important question, because if you can’t answer that, then You’ll probably waste years learning something not suited for you, including this martial art you’re reading about right now.

You see, a soldier’s needs will be different from a professional fighter’s needs, which will be different than a policeman’s needs,which is  different from a waitress’s needs,  which will be different from a fireman’s, which is VERY different from a housewife’s which is  different from a College student’s, which is TOTALLY different from Construction Worker’s, etc.

So I ask YOU, the reader,  what are your reasons for learning self defense?

I’m going to assume here that you’re a reasonable, law-abiding, fun-loving  person who wants to be able to protect yourself from those who would want to harm you, or your family, for whatever reason.

I’m also gonna assume that you’re already learning Capoeira, or have done so in the past. If you haven’t…


Now, I’m gonna list a few steps to get you going in the right direction. Now of course, this is more directed to Capoeiristas, Angoleiros specifically, but I believe these strategies would work with any Martial Art.

But first, I have something I wanna get off my chest.

Most Martial art schools out there, Capoeira included (Especially Capoeira, some would say),  are poorly preparing their students to be able to truly defend themselves.


Because they only teach the During part (The training , techniques and practice for the FIGHT ITSELF), or they’re focusing on it.

IT IS MY SINCERE  hope that in the future, Martial Art schools start putting more emphasis on the “Before”(Awareness, to prevention to preemptive actions) and also the “After” (Dealing with the Law, how to treat Injuries, and how to report after action reports of incident, dealing with a person, or people who may now have a grudge against you).

Well, whether your school covers that or not, You’re gonna be learning a bit about these subjects in this article.

And also, a little bit about this…


O.K., here we go.


“The capoeirista walks thinking in evil, not because he is a bully. It is a question of self defense because a person can be assaulted at any moment. Life is difficult for those who work, while for a scoundrel it is easy. When the scoundrel encounters a sucker, he comes out well; but when he encounters a capoeirista, he gets a razor across his face… it is for this reason and not because he is a ruffian. All capoeiristas are workers and not vagabonds. (Coutinho 1993:42)

  • from Learning Capoeira, lessons in cunning from an Afro-Brazilian Art by Greg Downey.

So, what is Situational Awareness?

The concept of situational awareness is truly crucial in various aspects of our lives, ranging from personal safety to professional decision-making. It involves being attuned to one’s surroundings, promptly identifying potential threats or anomalies, and effectively processing such critical information. Whether it’s discerning unfamiliar sounds, recognizing peculiar behaviors exhibited by individuals, or even detecting unusual odors, developing a keen sense of situational awareness can undoubtedly enhance one’s ability to navigate through diverse scenarios.


In emergency situations, the ability to quickly assess the environment and identify potential risks is paramount. By actively observing the people and activities around you, remaining vigilant for any signs of danger, and knowing the available exit routes, one can significantly improve their chances of responding effectively to unexpected events. This heightened awareness enables individuals to make informed decisions and take proactive measures in the face of adversity, ultimately contributing to their safety and well-being.

Beyond specific emergency scenarios, cultivating situational awareness can also contribute to everyday security and preparedness. Whether it’s being alert to potential hazards while driving, staying mindful of surroundings in public spaces, or recognizing unusual patterns in one’s environment, the practice of situational awareness empowers individuals to stay vigilant and responsive to their surroundings at all times.

Therefore, while the term “situational awareness” may initially evoke thoughts of emergency preparedness, its significance extends far beyond crisis situations. It is a fundamental skill that can empower individuals to be more perceptive, responsive, and ultimately better equipped to navigate the complexities of the world around them.

So, how does a capoeirista learn to develop this ability?

The process of imparting Capoeira goes beyond physical training; it embodies a veritable philosophy that seeks to equip students with practical skills for navigating various life situations. Capoeira instructors meticulously guide their students on where to direct their focus, how to move, which areas to avoid, and how to effectively handle specific scenarios. Through consistent repetition and instruction, individuals are empowered to develop personalized strategies and tactics that extend beyond the Capoeira roda and into their everyday lives.

For instance, consider the profound insights shared in “THE HERITAGE OF MESTRE BIMBA, AFRICAN PHILOSOPHY AND LOGIC OF CAPOEIRA” by A. A. DECÂNIO FILHO“, skillfully translated by SHAYNA MCHUGH. This book delves into the rich cultural heritage and philosophical underpinnings of Capoeira, shedding light on the intricate logic and strategic thinking inherent in this art form. Students who immerse themselves in this discipline gain not only physical prowess but also a profound understanding of how to approach challenges and adversities with resilience and creative problem-solving.

The intertwining of Capoeira principles with everyday life is a testament to the depth of its teachings, serving as a potent example of how an art form can transcend its physical manifestations to become a guiding philosophy for individuals seeking to navigate the complexities of existence.


The practice of capoeira trains us to constantly be aware of
the environment… evaluating: where will danger come from?!  It
could come in a miscalculated movement, in an inappropriate
position, in a treacherous invitation, in a falsely friendly gesture,
under an apparently innocent movement! We could be wrong in
the analysis of that which we see and hear, or in other words, in
the evaluation of the danger hidden by a corner, behind a half-
open door or a thick tree truck, especially at night! The joking
stories, accompanied by wide and expressive gestures, left no
doubts about the dangers! They prepared us to face ambushes in
the course of specialization, which we had to attend after our graduation.
 The defense reflexes we learned stayed with us
throughout the rest of our lives, “in the way of Pavlov,”
as Prof. Novis would say from his chair of physiology… “In the blood!”
as our Mestre used to say. We learned the cleverness or awareness characteristic of capoeira by the repetition of dangers at every instant. The games required a
permanent vigilance… pulling one’s pants down in order to
change into the training uniform offered a chance to receive a
rasteira while one’s legs were trapped by the mouths of the pants.
Distracted? Here’s a galopante
as a gift!
Careful when approaching someone! Does his abstract, crafty way of walking
hide an evil intention? A banda-traçada? A vingativa? God
knows what else! Remember Jesus, our verbose colleague, an
academic student of Aeronautics, who upon turning a corner at
night received an unexpected stab that pierced the book that he
was carrying slung over his shoulder – an example always cited
by the Mestre!
 You can read this book at http://capoeira-connection.com

If you want to know more about  Situational Awareness, click HERE, and HERE.

Another skill you MUST HAVE is the ability  to BLEND IN if you want to avoid getting mugged, beaten to death, or worse.

And, click HERE if you want to learn about a slightly different, yet every bit as important skill.


The journey towards achieving a heightened level of awareness requires dedication and practice. It may initially seem daunting, akin to a state of heightened vigilance that could be perceived as paranoia by some. However, in certain situations, a degree of cautiousness and vigilance can indeed prove pivotal, potentially even making the difference between life and death. Embracing a mindset that encompasses a healthy level of skepticism and alertness can be a valuable asset in navigating life’s uncertainties.

When traveling through potentially hazardous neighborhoods, it’s crucial to prioritize personal safety. Being aware of your surroundings and maintaining a low profile can significantly reduce the likelihood of encountering dangerous situations. It’s advisable to research the area beforehand and identify safe routes and transportation options. Additionally, dressing modestly and blending in with the local population can help avoid drawing unwanted attention. In some situations, seeking guidance from local residents or authorities can provide valuable insights into navigating the area safely. Remember, avoiding confrontations and staying composed are essential strategies for ensuring a secure passage through challenging environments.


While these videos aim to entertain, they also contain valuable life-saving tips that should not be overlooked. Therefore, I highly recommend taking the time to watch and internalize the information they provide. Your safety could greatly benefit from the knowledge you gain. It’s always beneficial to be prepared for unexpected situations, and these videos can certainly contribute to that preparedness. Stay safe and informed!

Now some of you may be thinking…

Why all this talk about avoiding fights? I don’t want to run away, I wanna kick ASS! Where’s the  kicks, the  headbutts, the BACKFLIPS???

Well, we’ll get to that.

On another PAGE.



De-escalation skills are crucial in various aspects of life, whether it’s in the workplace, at home, or in social interactions. Learning to effectively de-escalate tense situations can lead to better conflict resolution, improved communication, and overall harmony. These skills can be particularly valuable in customer service roles, where the ability to calm agitated individuals can make a significant difference in customer satisfaction and loyalty.

In personal relationships, understanding how to de-escalate disagreements or misunderstandings can foster stronger connections and prevent unnecessary conflicts. It’s about recognizing triggers, managing one’s own emotions, and empathetically addressing the concerns of others. Ultimately, mastering de-escalation skills is not just a valuable tool, but a reflection of emotional intelligence and maturity.


Now to my knowledge, there’s no such thing as “verbal jujitsu”, but there is a book called VERBAL JUDO, which describes many strategies for deescalating conflict, like in the above video. You can find it on amazon, just click HERE. There’s also a very good book called “HOW TO WIN FRIENDS AND INFLUENCE PEOPLE” by Dan Carnegie, which not only deals with conflict resolution, but is a guidebook on how you can take ANY situation, and make it work for you. You can click HERE and buy it on amazon.com, or click HERE to read this PDF of the book.

In addition to the resources mentioned above, there are several other valuable books and resources available for individuals seeking to improve their communication and conflict resolution skills. For instance, “Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High” by Kerry Patterson offers practical strategies for handling high-stakes conversations with tact and confidence. This book provides insights into how to navigate crucial conversations effectively, fostering open dialogue and achieving positive outcomes in challenging situations.

Another noteworthy resource is “Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life” by Marshall B. Rosenberg, which presents a method of communication focused on compassion and empathy. This approach aims to help individuals express themselves with honesty and clarity while also listening to others with understanding and empathy. By learning the principles of nonviolent communication, individuals can cultivate harmonious relationships and resolve conflicts peacefully.

Additionally, “Difficult Conversations: How to Discuss What Matters Most” by Douglas Stone, Bruce Patton, and Sheila Heen provides insights into handling challenging conversations with grace and skill. The book offers practical techniques for addressing sensitive topics and managing emotions during difficult discussions, empowering individuals to navigate complex communication situations effectively.

Exploring diverse perspectives and strategies through these resources can equip individuals with a comprehensive toolkit for navigating communication challenges, fostering constructive dialogue, and resolving conflicts with mindfulness and understanding.

Now once again, you might be thinking…

HEY, why all this de-escalation crap? Where’s the  kicks, the  headbutts, the BACKFLIPS???

We’ll get to that.

O.K., we covered Awareness, Avoidance, and De-escalation tactics. But what if none of those methods work?



NOW, we step onto the path of OGUN and SHANGO

The realm, of CAPOEIRAGEM.

And we’re gonna get all up into that, and so much more… on ANOTHER PAGE.

But right now, I have a couple of things to say about what I believe is the MOST IMPORTANT part of the encounter.


O.K., so let’s say  you got into a confrontation with someone who for whatever reason, wanted to kick your ass, rob you, etc. Your de-escalation skills didn’t work, so You had to use your devastating kicking-ass Capoeira Angola skills on him.

And it devastated HIM. You “won” that fight.

So…. what happens next?

Well, I’m about to talk about that. There are potential legal, psychological, and medical effects of engaging in violence no matter how justified.

First of all, you might win your fight, you might even save a few lives in the process, but you might get really hurt yourself. And, don’t always count on the cops to save you if that happens…


O.K., now we got that out of the way, let’s get into this.


Ladies and Gentlemen, when it comes to self-defense, there’s some things you have to understand.

First of all, when talking about self-defense, you have to understand that self-defense is a LEGAL TERM, which means that LEGALLY, there are certain things you can’t do to your attacker, and then claim it was self-defense.



Self-defense (self-defence in some varieties of English) is a countermeasure that involves defending the health and well-being of oneself from harm. The use of the right of self-defense as a legal justification for the use of force in times of danger is available in many jurisdictions.


You see, a lot of people, especially students and followers of so-called, “REALITY BASED MARTIAL ARTS”, like to say things like, “WE DEAL WITH REALITY. IN THE REAL WORLD, IN THE STREETS, WHERE THERE ARE NO RULES, YOU HEAR ME, NO RULES!!!”



Well, that’s complete bullsh*t. The fact is, THERE ARE RULES IN THE STREET.

It’s just that those rules have almost NOTHING to do with the tactics you may have to employ to get yourself out of a certain situation at that particular time.

These rules (called LAWS) come into play a little later,  when the legal system gets involved. And if they decide you “broke the rules” significantly, not only will  your attacker be able to sue the PANTS off of you, but you can also end up doing some serious jail time.

Yeah that’s right, YOU.

Please understand that when it comes to self defense, YOU HAVE to hold yourself accountable for what you learn and what you do with it. Our world has become a pointing finger where no one wants to take ownership or responsibility for their own actions and no thought of other people that they have to account for.

Don’t blame other people for your actions,  be prepared with what you do, but also, be RESPONSIBLE, and make sure that what you do are within the legal definitions of self defense in your country.

The reason you have to ensure that your actions operate within the legal definitions of self-defense is because most likely, you will be dealing with the police and legal ramifications of the incident, which means that what you said and did before, during, and after the incident are ALL going to be reviewed by police, lawyers, etc. for indications of misconduct. If there is misconduct on your part, no matter how justified you thought you were at the time, you WILL be in trouble.

Possibly, you’ll be in DEEP SH*T, depending on what you did during the encounter.

The real problem is that , once all the emotions have died down — you may have to face the fact that your actions and words were part of the creation and escalation of the situation. And, they just might have been an overreaction on your part.

Take this scene from Catwoman…


Yes, I know that we all would like to be able to do something like that form time to time. But let’s face it: We all know that Catwoman broke a few laws in that scene, and if this was real life, she would be in in DEEP SH*T if the law got involved.

Here’s another example.

I wonder if he ever found Ritchie? Oh yeah, HE DID


Okay, all jokes aside, if any police officer did what Segal did here in real life, I bet the Internal Affairs division would like to TELL him something.

In the martial arts universe, poeple like to quote that famous saying, “I’d rather be tried by 12 than carried by 6”, meaning, it’s better to face a trial by your peers, than carried to your grave by your relatives,

And that’s all well and good.

But I guarantee you, that if you stick only to that philosophy, there WILL be another 6 in your future, and those will be the 6 guys waiting for you IN THE PRISON SHOWER

But hey, if you’re fine with spending the next 10+ years of your life BEHIND BARS…

Then what I’m about to say here will be of no use to you anyway, so by all means,


However, if you’re NOT, well then PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE think about what you just read above.

(If any of you out there are offended by what I just typed, then I’m truly sorry. In fact, I’m offended by it, and I typed it. It’s just that it seemed the strongest way for me to get my message across).


Now, having typed that, I need to tell you that there are far bigger potential problems than dealing with the legal system. And that’s the concept of revenge.



  1. the action of inflicting hurt or harm on someone for an injury or wrong suffered at their hands.
    “other spurned wives have taken public revenge on their husbands”

    1. inflict hurt or harm on someone for an injury or wrong done to (someone else).
      “it’s a pity he chose that way to revenge his sister”

It’s important to remember that acts of revenge can be fueled by a variety of emotions, including anger, hurt, and a desire for justice. It’s also crucial to acknowledge that the potential for harm extends beyond a single individual. Taking proactive measures to foster understanding, communication, and conflict resolution can contribute to a safer and more harmonious environment for everyone involved.

It’s essential to understand the intricate psychology at play in such scenarios. For individuals entrenched in criminal activities, the perception of power and respect holds immense significance. Losing in confrontations or conflicts directly threatens their social standing and poses a risk to their safety within their social circles. This dynamic compels them to retaliate viciously, especially in situations where law enforcement is not involved, leaving room for them to pursue retribution.

Given these circumstances, it’s crucial to approach such interactions with caution and foresight, prioritizing personal safety and de-escalation. Finding peaceful resolutions and seeking assistance from appropriate authorities can significantly mitigate the potential for further harm and retaliation in the long term. Understanding the underlying motivations and behaviors of individuals involved in criminal activities is paramount in navigating and preventing escalating conflicts.

In situations like these, it’s essential to consider the potential repercussions and take proactive measures to ensure your well-being. This can complicate your life, especially because violence often occurs in places you normally frequent. The unsettling reality is that the perpetrator may have knowledge of your routines and whereabouts, posing a significant threat to your safety.

In essence, the gravity of the situation cannot be understated. The looming possibility of a repeated attack underscores the importance of taking decisive action to safeguard yourself and prevent further harm. It’s crucial to recognize the potential danger and take appropriate steps to protect yourself from further threats.

By facing these challenges head-on and seeking support from relevant authorities and resources, you can empower yourself to navigate this complex and distressing situation. Prioritizing your safety and well-being is paramount as you consider the best course of action to address the potential risks posed by the individual involved.

O.K., Now you don’t have to believe me, or anything I wrote here. I’m not a self-defense expert. I’m just a capoeirista, sharing MY thoughts on this very complex subject.

Now having said that, I hope you liked this pretty long article, and I also hope that it inspired you, if NOTHING ELSE, to take your well-being seriously.