The contents of this website, such as text, graphics, images, and other content contained here, are for informational purposes only. The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.

If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911 immediately. We DO NOT recommend or endorse any specific tests, physicians, products, procedures, opinions, or other information that may be mentioned on this site. Reliance on any information provided on this website is solely at your own risk.


Hello Everyone,

As I said on the CAPOEIRA ANGOLA REIGNS SUPREME!!! page, there is a much more constant, persistent, and DEADLY opponent that you have to prepare for, and that’s the many forces that would hurt your HEALTH.

So, this page is about ways to protect our all too precious health, and how capoeira angola fits into it.

We all know that Capoeira Angola is a Martial Art, but often times, we don’t talk much about Capoeira Angola as a HEALING ART.

Well… Let’s explore this aspect of the art a little bit.


Healing = noun or adjective ‘process that brings about/amends wholeness to health and wellness’


I firmly believe that all traditional human practices involving musicality, singing, dancing, spoken literature, writing, and the process of art, including pantomime, play, drama, and expression, can be considered healing art forms. Capoeira Angola, in particular, is a beautiful embodiment of these disciplines, offering a means to cultivate personal change and development. It seamlessly integrates various art forms, encompassing physical elements alongside an intangible, incorporeal essence that can only be truly grasped through active participation. This unique combination not only fosters individual growth but also promotes communal connections and cultural enrichment. Overall, it’s a testament to the rich tapestry of human expression and its profound impact on personal and collective well-being.

Capoeira Angola as a healing art.

Capoeira Angola is not only a martial art but also a pathway to healing and wholeness. Its multifaceted approach addresses the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit, offering a transformative experience for those who engage with its practice. As individuals immerse themselves in the rich tapestry of Capoeira Angola, they can find restoration, empowerment, and a renewed sense of vitality.

The holistic nature of Capoeira Angola serves as a platform for physical, mental, and emotional healing. Through rhythmic movements, participants can release stored tension and express repressed emotions, promoting a sense of catharsis and emotional well-being. The communal aspect of Capoeira Angola also fosters a supportive environment where individuals can connect, share experiences, and find a sense of belonging and community.


The music and songs that accompany Capoeira Angola play a significant role in its healing properties. The rhythms and melodies create a hypnotic ambiance, allowing practitioners to enter a state of mindfulness and deep relaxation. Moreover, the lyrics often convey stories of resilience, triumph over adversity, and the strength of the human spirit, providing inspiration and encouragement to those facing their own challenges.

Furthermore, the physicality of Capoeira Angola engages the body in a full range of motion, promoting flexibility, strength, and cardiovascular health. This can have a positive impact on physical well-being, contributing to overall fitness and vitality. Additionally, the discipline and focus required in mastering the art form can instill a sense of purpose and direction in practitioners, contributing to their mental and emotional equilibrium.

Now, let’s talk about fitness.

If we are studying self defense for anything other than a fun weekend pastime, then we need to be physically prepared to use it.

We need to be fit.  It’s that simple.

We need to eat the right foods to build and fuel a fit body.  We need to exercise in order to be stronger, have more endurance and recover from injury.

In truth, we are not just fighting the “Bad Guy”, but we are fighting diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and a long list of other conditions that are the result of a lifestyle that is not focused on health and fitness. To be effective with self defense and to be able to apply your skills, you need to include real fitness in your training. It’s essential to acknowledge that our battle extends beyond traditional adversaries and encompasses a broader spectrum of health concerns rooted in sedentary lifestyles and poor dietary habits. When striving for self-defense proficiency, it becomes evident that incorporating comprehensive physical fitness regimens is paramount. By addressing these interconnected elements, we not only enhance our ability to protect ourselves but also bolster our overall well-being, contributing to a more resilient and health-conscious society.

For example, Look at the video below:


Now you tell me… Do you think those men could play like that for almost 15 minutes without being fit and healthy?

Look, I hate to say it, but your ability to perform Capoeira, or any other M.A. or self defense system, is dependent on how fit you are.

Physical fitness is undeniably a crucial factor in excelling at Capoeira or any martial art and self defense system. Engaging in regular fitness training can significantly enhance one’s agility, strength, flexibility, and endurance, all of which are vital for executing the intricate movements and swift maneuvers characteristic of Capoeira. Additionally, a strong and well-conditioned body can contribute to improved stamina, allowing practitioners to sustain their performance over extended periods.

Moreover, physical fitness plays a pivotal role in injury prevention, as a fit body is often better equipped to withstand the rigorous demands of Capoeira training and minimize the risk of strain or overexertion. Therefore, individuals aspiring to master Capoeira or any martial arts discipline should prioritize maintaining their physical fitness through a balanced regimen of cardiovascular exercises, strength training, and flexibility-enhancing activities.

In essence, while skill and technique are paramount in Capoeira, the significance of physical fitness cannot be overstated. By prioritizing one’s fitness and overall well-being, aspiring practitioners can enhance their capabilities and elevate their performance in this captivating martial art.


 Techniques can give you an advantage of course, but techniques are still based primarily on your physical skills.

 In other words, technique alone is not enough.

 We need to be able to generate speed and power.  We need to be able to endure the demands of training and apply our techniques at full speed.  We need the stamina to fight not only one, but multiple attackers.  At the very least, we need to be able to run fast, but we may need to be able to fight and run fast all in the same incident.

Far too often you hear people saying their techniques are too deadly to need much physical conditioning, when in reality what they’re are showing is that they’re  inexperienced and unprepared.

You may be better off than the average Joe on the street unless he has also taken some M.A. classes. Or he may just be simply stronger, in that case you run the risk of getting your ego knocked in, along with your head.

Most people who want to fight, no matter what their size, are usually pretty confident in their abilities; they have something to prove and they don’t usually go out starting fights they think they will lose. Those they can beat up usually do not want to fight in the first place.

The fact is, your training should protect you against a trained fighter. You want to train smart, and combine your conditioning to create a strong body ready for whatever comes at you.

However, for those of you who can’t seem to find the time, or motivation to train, let me provide you with a bit of… INSPIRATION:


And if that doesn’t “inspire” you, maybe this will…


So, with all the many exercises and exercise systems out there, you’re probably wondering (hopefully), where to start?

Well first, I want you to watch these videos.

In case you want to know what the National Academy of Sports Medicine is, click HERE.
And click HERE to look at the booklist spencer talked about in this video. Oh, and in case you’re wondering about Spencer’s fitness credentials, at one time he was a licensed fitness trainer, and his YouTube channel was at once a fitness channel. In fact, some of those old fitness videos are still up, if you check out his channel.

Certainly! It’s important to remember that in your fitness journey, there can be numerous challenges and obstacles along the way. It’s crucial to approach this journey with caution and a discerning eye, and to avoid getting entangled in misleading or false information.

Keeping a keen sense of awareness and staying true to reliable sources of knowledge can help you navigate through the myriad of information out there. Remember, achieving your fitness goals is about perseverance, dedication, and making well-informed choices. Stay focused and don’t let misconceptions or deceptive claims lead you astray.


Okay, now before I type any further, I want to stress something to you:


This is just a bit of information on a web page. It is YOUR responsibility to go out, research, study on this, and start APPLYING this information, and benefit from it. But if you overdo it and end up hurting yourself, it’s not my fault.

Now, let’s do this.

Now personally, I find that the BEST exercises for Capoeira Angola is actually DOING CAPOEIRA ANGOLA!

REALLY. Just doing the  BASIC MOVEMENTS over and over will get you in the shape that you need to do them. You don’t really need to do anything else.

For many practitioners, the essence of Capoeira Angola lies in the repetitive practice of its foundational movements. Engaging in the art form itself, immersing oneself in the sequences of movements, and honing the fundamental techniques can bring about profound physical and mental benefits.


Now mind you, I’m not into learning capoeira Angola from any type of video tutorials, You Tube or otherwise, for various reasons. In fact, all over this website I tell you if you want to learn capoeira Angola, then


However, if your goal is to GET IN SHAPE, or to learn something when there are no classes around, then something is better than nothing, I guess.

But eventually, you’ll have to find a class.

The specific relevant content for this request, if necessary, delimited with characters: The unique movements of this art are replete with meaning, generally contemplative, performed in cooperation and balanced with a competitive playful spirit… Inner change and awareness tends to be the primary impact/goal which arguably affects wellness/health promotion/ healing.

The nature of this art form involves a rich tapestry of movements, each laden with its own significance. These movements are not merely physical actions, but rather, they embody deep contemplation and reflection. The practitioners of this art engage in a harmonious interplay of cooperation and a delightful sense of competition, infusing their performances with a balanced, spirited energy.

At the core of this practice lies the profound impact on inner transformation and heightened consciousness. The pursuit of inner change and increased awareness is intrinsic to this art form, giving rise to a profound effect on the overall wellness, health promotion, and healing of individuals. It is through the unique combination of movement, mental focus, and spiritual engagement that these goals are pursued, ultimately fostering a holistic sense of well-being.


However, if you REALLY feel the NEED to do some supplemental exercises, My teacher  CHARLES always says that there are 4 physical trademarks that make a great Angoleiro. And those 4 trademarks are:

  1. A good GINGA.
  2. A good BANANEIRA (Handstand).
  3. A good PONTE (Backbend).
  4. The ability to do the Splits (FRONT and SIDE).

So, I would suggest that you find and do exercises to help achieve those things.

Now one exercise routine I love to do is called The Five Tibetan Rites of Rejuvenation, or the Five Tibetans for short.


If you would like to practice them, I recommend you do it once in the morning after you wake up, and once at night before you go to bed.

If you would like to know more about them, then click HERE.

However, like I said, the best way to get in shape to do Capoeira Angola is to do it. There are many exercise & conditioning videos made for capoeira on You Tube  to help you out.

This particular one is my favorite:


The reason is it was my very first capoeira  video. I had many fond memories following along with this video (the VHS series from Panther Productions) in my bedroom, and practicing the movements from this series in my old backyard… well, for me it’s very nostalgic.

Now, If you want to know what the specifics of what I’m learning in my own class, well sorry to disappoint you, but…


Click HERE for where and when.

Oh, and for you hardcore types who just have to “GET IT IN”, read THIS ARTICLE, and dive right in.


In addition to the physical pain, dealing with injury in Capoeira can also bring about emotional and mental challenges. It can be frustrating to have to sit out of classes or performances, especially when you are passionate about the art form. However, it’s important to remember that taking the time to properly heal and rehabilitate is crucial for long-term participation in Capoeira. Many experienced capoeiristas have encountered various injuries throughout their journey, which has taught them patience, resilience, and the importance of listening to their bodies.

One common but essential aspect of managing injuries in Capoeira is seeking appropriate medical attention and following professional advice. Whether it’s a knee injury like the one I’m currently dealing with, or any other physical strain, consulting a healthcare professional can provide tailored guidance for recovery. Moreover, staying connected with the Capoeira community during this time can offer valuable support and encouragement.

Furthermore, injury experiences can also lead to a deeper understanding of body mechanics and the necessity of warm-ups, stretches, and cooldowns. By integrating injury prevention techniques into training routines, capoeiristas can proactively reduce the risk of future injuries.

It’s important to acknowledge that while injury is a common part of Capoeira and other physical activities, it does not define a practitioner’s journey. Overcoming setbacks and returning to the roda with renewed strength and knowledge can be a testament to the resilience and passion within every capoeirista.

The capoeira community in the Los Angeles area is truly fortunate to have such a remarkable practitioner and brilliant mind among them. Tope Akintunji, a truly amazing player, has generously shared his expertise on injury prevention for capoeiristas through a captivating prezi presentation. While he may not formally consider me one of his students, I take immense pride in considering him one of my mentors. His willingness to allow the dissemination of his knowledge on this website is a testament to his dedication to the art and the well-being of his fellow practitioners.


He’s somewhere in some of these photos. I won’t tell you where, because he likes his anonymity. But he has a vast amount of knowledge about life itself, and has contributed tremendously to my growth as a capoeirista, and to the growth of my fellow brothers and sisters in capoeira.

It is truly remarkable to have such a mentor who values anonymity but shares an abundance of wisdom and knowledge. The enigmatic presence captured in the photos symbolizes the profound impact this individual has had on your journey as a capoeirista. It’s evident that their influence extends beyond your personal development, as they have also played a significant role in nurturing the growth of your fellow practitioners. The essence of capoeira as a communal art form is beautifully depicted through their contributions to the collective advancement of the capoeira community.


And also, I’ve created a video playlist which deals with this very important subject.


When it comes to taking care of minor injuries, it’s important to remember that while home remedies and self-care techniques can be effective, they are not a substitute for professional medical attention when dealing with serious injuries. This especially holds true for injuries where there is severe pain, extensive swelling, or any signs of a potentially broken bone or internal damage. In such cases, seeking the expertise of a professional doctor or healer is crucial for proper diagnosis and treatment. This video playlist focuses on providing guidance for minor injuries, offering helpful tips and techniques that can be used to alleviate discomfort and promote healing. It’s essential to always prioritize your well-being and seek professional medical attention when necessary.


Today as we navigate through the complexities of this modern era, it has become increasingly evident that we are responsible for managing our own well-being. As the adage goes, our bodies are akin to the temple of a divine entity, and as such, it is imperative that we accord them the care and attention they deserve. A proactive approach to our health is crucial in order to lead a balanced and fulfilling life in today’s fast-paced and often tumultuous world.

Prioritizing our physical, emotional, and mental well-being is vital in this turbulent age. By being mindful of the sustenance we provide our bodies, be it through nourishing food or wholesome information, we can lay a strong foundation for our overall health. This conscientious approach extends to nurturing our emotional and mental states, as these facets of our being contribute significantly to our quality of life.

In essence, as we journey through this day and age, it is essential to embrace a holistic view of health that encompasses our physical, emotional, and mental dimensions. By doing so, we equip ourselves with the tools necessary to navigate the intricacies of the modern world while fostering a sense of well-being and resilience.

Keeping our body clean involves more than just maintaining personal hygiene. It also means nourishing ourselves with wholesome foods, exercising regularly, and ensuring that we get enough rest. Our physical health directly impacts our energy levels, mood, and overall well-being.

Similarly, keeping our heart pure goes beyond the physical organ. It encompasses maintaining positive emotions, practicing gratitude, and fostering healthy relationships. A pure heart carries compassion, empathy, and kindness, contributing to a sense of happiness and contentment.

Furthermore, keeping our mind clear is essential for cultivating wisdom. This involves engaging in activities that stimulate our intellect, such as reading, learning new skills, or solving puzzles. It also means decluttering our mind from negative thoughts and practicing mindfulness to enhance mental clarity and insight.

In this modern era, the proactive management of our health becomes a responsibility that we must embrace, recognizing that our well-being forms the foundation for a meaningful and enriching life.


We must take an active part in our health care, and learn what and what not to eat and put into our bodies to maintain health. If we need to see a health practitioner, go see one and be aware of what is recommended, medications, supplements and other suggestions. We have but one Body and Life.


It is essential to prioritize our well-being by being mindful of our dietary choices and the substances we consume. Educating ourselves on the impact of different foods and habits on our health empowers us to make informed decisions. Consulting with healthcare professionals for personalized guidance, including recommendations on medications, supplements, and lifestyle adjustments, can significantly contribute to our overall well-being. Our body and life are precious, and by actively participating in our healthcare journey, we can strive to nurture and sustain them for the long term.


I’ve purchased a copy of his book, and it has helped helped me tremendously in my journey for better health.You can also purchase a copy of this book on by clicking HERE.

One thing that has also helped me, is a method called intermittent fasting.


I find that intermittent fasting has been beneficial for my overall well-being and health. It has not only assisted me in managing my weight, but also improved my digestive system and increased my energy levels. Additionally, practicing intermittent fasting has provided me with mental clarity and focus, allowing me to be more productive throughout the day. This method has truly made a positive impact on my lifestyle and I highly recommend exploring its benefits.

Now I’m in no way a doctor, or a health expert. I’m just a middle-aged capoeirista, and I’m very aware of my own mortality, which means I’m trying to increase my health and quality of life as much as I can. When I turn 80, I’m gonna be the healthiest 80-year-old man that I can be.

Maintaining good physical and mental health becomes increasingly important as we age. It’s commendable to proactively take charge of your well-being and set personal goals for the future. As a capoeirista, you’re already engaged in a dynamic and aerobic activity that benefits both body and mind. Additionally, incorporating a balanced and nutritious diet, regular exercise, and mindfulness practices can further contribute to your overall health and longevity. Finding joy in the journey towards a healthier lifestyle is an achievement in itself. Keep up the positive mindset and dedication, and the goal of being the healthiest 80-year-old is within reach!


Like the people on this playlist…


The specific relevant content for this request, if necessary, delimited with characters: Anyway, I posted a few resources you can go to get some insights on ways to increase your health.

THE INNER BODY -Your resource for trusted information about Health and the Human Body




If you would like to know more about energy and energy healing from a scientific basis, then check out


WebMD – Better Information. Better Health.

MEN’S HEALTH the brand men live by for fitness, nutrition, health, sex, style, grooming, tech, weight loss, and more.

WOMEN’S HEALTH – Your go-to destination for new workouts, legit nutrition advice and weight loss tips, the latest health news, healthy recipes, and more.

I BELEIVE IN MOTHER NATURE –  A place to find incredible natural remedies for health and vitality. Keep your body and soul at your peak.

NATURAL NEWS – Natural News is a science-based natural health advocacy organization. The key mission of Natural News is to empower consumers with factual information about the synthetic chemicals, heavy metals, hormone disruptors and other chemicals found in foods, medicines, personal care products, children’s toys and other items. They cover  holistic health, nutritional therapies, consciousness and spirituality, permaculture , organics, animal rights, environmental health, food and superfoods , and performance nutrition.

BEST FOLK MEDICINE – Wisdom of our Ancestors.

OLDWAYS / INSPIRING GOOD HEALTH THROUGH CULTURAL FOOD TRADITIONS – From their website: Oldways is a nonprofit food and nutrition education organization, with a mission to inspire healthy eating through cultural food traditions and lifestyles.


Improving your overall health is crucial for leading a fulfilling and active lifestyle. When it comes to enhancing your well-being, education and information play a vital role. By seeking out valuable resources, you can gain valuable insights and knowledge that can empower you to make positive changes. Whether it’s articles, reputable websites, or expert advice, these resources can offer practical tips and strategies to help you on your journey to better health. Remember, small changes can lead to significant results, so arming yourself with information is a key first step!


And finally, I would like you to watch this You Tube video, and answer the question posed in the 1st part of it for yourself. Just a little food for thought…

The Great Griot

Published on Jan 13, 2015


Have you ever wondered WHY many of us prefer Western medical doctors …..or better yet, why we feel that our ancestral traditional medicine healers are “unlearned”, “savage”, or “ill equipped”? We’ve been taught that most modern medicine comes out of European societies. The very “father of medicine” was Hippocrates, a greek that laid the foundation for us, right? WRONG. Let’s RE-learn history Together! See how much our ancestors REALLY knew…….and how we should trust THEIR knowledge on healing our bodies. The music provided at 7:20 comes from an ACTUAL recording during a Shaman traditional ritual in South Africa. Africa Shaman Experience offers the opportunity for people inside and outside of South Africa, to spend time with the Sangoma’s in their own environment here in South Africa and experience the medicine, ritual, ceremony and work of the Sangoma – the African Shaman. These are sacred journeys and sacred time spent with the Sangoma’s in South Africa; in the home lands of the Zulu people. Visit

People & Blogs

The reason I posted the above video and the description, is because although this particular video primarily talks about african healers, I believe this message applies to ALL alternative practitioners and healers.

In many cultures around the world, alternative healing practices have been deeply rooted in tradition and have been passed down through generations. These practices often encompass a holistic approach to health, focusing on the interconnectedness of the mind, body, and spirit. While the specific methods and rituals may vary, the underlying principle of promoting well-being and harmony remains consistent.

It’s important to recognize that the efficacy of these alternative healing modalities may not always align with Western scientific standards, but dismissing them outright would overlook the profound impact they have had on the lives of many individuals. Embracing a more inclusive perspective that acknowledges the diversity of healing traditions can enrich our understanding of the human experience and pave the way for collaborative approaches to health and wellness.


It is essential to recognize and respect the expertise and traditions of diverse medical practitioners from various cultures. Each medical tradition offers a unique perspective and approach to healing, and it is crucial to acknowledge the value of different practices. By embracing this diversity in medical care, individuals can access a wide range of treatment options that resonate with their beliefs and experiences.

The importance of respecting and seeking out the best medical practitioner, regardless of their cultural background or the form of medicine they practice, cannot be overstated. This inclusive approach to healthcare empowers individuals to explore a variety of healing modalities and find the most effective treatment for their specific needs. It also fosters a spirit of open-mindedness and appreciation for the rich tapestry of medical knowledge and expertise present in our global community.

Oh, there’s ONE MORE VIDEO I think you should see…

Let us all embrace the holistic approach of being healthy in Body, Mind and Spirit.



The contents of this website, such as text, graphics, images, and other content contained here, are for informational purposes only. The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.

If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911 immediately. We DO NOT recommend or endorse any specific tests, physicians, products, procedures, opinions, or other information that may be mentioned on this site. Reliance on any information provided on this website is solely at your own risk.