

This is the post excerpt.

This  Website is my thoughts about this amazing way of life called Capoeira Angola, and the many issues of life surrounding it.

I’m glad you’re interested in learning more about Capoeira Angola my website.

It’s a beautiful and rich art form that encompasses far more than just physical movements. It carries with it a deep historical and cultural significance, and I’m excited for you to explore the various aspects of Capoeira Angola that I’ve shared on the website.

Creating this website has been a labor of love, and I hope it serves as an engaging and informative resource for anyone wanting to delve deeper into the world of Capoeira.

I truly hope you find the content enriching and enjoy your time here as much as I enjoyed crafting it. AXE!


NA BEIRA DO MAR (aprendi a jogar)

Sereia do mar – Janaína

Na beira do mar
é na beira do mar
aprendi a jogar
capoeira de angola
na beira do mar

Na beira do mar
é na beira do mar
aprendi a jogar
capoeira de angola
na beira do mar

Vou m’embora que è de noite
tão cedo não venho cá
Se iá-iá quiser me ver
Bote seu navio no mar

Na beira do mar
é na beira do mar
aprendi a jogar
capoeira de angola
na beira do mar

E verdade meu amigo
Escutei o que eu vou falar
Quem é dono no ciuma
Quem não e quer ciumar

Na beira do mar
é na beira do mar
aprendi a jogar
capoeira de angola
na beira do mar


In this thrilling installment of MARTIAL ARTS THEATER, witness the incredible skills of Jesse Enkamp as he fearlessly takes on the world of karate in an intense street fighting scenario, facing off against the formidable Icy Mike. Explore the raw truth about self defense training, masterful knife and gun techniques, crucial situational awareness, and effective de-escalation tactics as you immerse yourself in this action-packed video. Brace yourself for an exhilarating experience as you delve into the world of martial arts and self defense, gaining valuable insights and knowledge that could potentially save lives in real-life situations. Let the expertise and dedication of these martial arts practitioners inspire and empower you as you uncover the secrets of effective and practical self defense.

BIO: Jesse Enkamp a.k.a The Karate Nerd™ is a #1 Amazon Best-Selling Author, National Team Athlete, Keynote Speaker, Entrepreneur, Carrot Cake Lover & Founder of Seishin International – The World’s Leading Karate Lifestyle Brand.


Today is “THE FRIDAY CRIME REOPRT” on Professor Back Truth’s YouTube channel. Watch as the professor gives us his narration on this story.

The heinous actions described in this narration shed light on the real-life horror that many individuals still endure due to racism and discrimination. It is deeply troubling to witness the enduring impact of such despicable behavior on the lives of innocent people. The fact that law enforcement initially failed to address the situation is a stark reminder of the systemic issues that continue to plague our society. The bravery and resilience shown by the targeted woman and her children in the face of such adversity is truly commendable. This story serves as a call to action for communities to stand against racism and to support those who are affected by it.


This issue highlights the complexities and sensitivities around historical events and their acknowledgment. The proposal to make the site of the Tulsa Race Massacre into a “national monument” reflects an attempt to recognize and honor the lives lost and the impact of that tragic event. However, the context surrounding the lack of reparations for the surviving victims adds a layer of complexity and raises important questions about justice, reparations, and historical acknowledgment.

The topic under consideration is one that often ignites intense debates and discussions, drawing attention to the significant historical and cultural implications that underpin it. Given its sensitive nature, it is crucial to delve into an exploration of the various perspectives and experiences that surround this issue. Understanding the multifaceted dimensions of this complex subject is essential in finding common ground and fostering meaningful dialogue.

Agulha puxa linha

The encontro ‘Agulha puxa linha’ is a truly impactful event, and on one of its most memorable days, Mestre Góes graced our backyard with a mesmerizing musical show. This remarkable experience took place on a Friday (08/09) and drew a crowd of twenty individuals who share a deep interest in the evolution of music within popular culture.

The atmosphere was further enriched by the presence of Gala drums, skillfully played by masters Lua Rasta and Ivan de Santo Amaro, adding an even more authentic and rootsy touch to the gathering. The fusion of music and cultural significance created an unforgettable evening that resonated with everyone in attendance.


Today, we delve into a captivating insight into traditional African culture. A wise African sister advises Black American men that if they wish to marry an African woman, they will need to honor the tradition of paying a dowry. In many African cultures, the payment of a dowry is a significant and longstanding tradition. It serves as a symbol of respect for the woman and her family, and it is often seen as a way to demonstrate the man’s ability to provide for his future wife.

This tradition varies greatly across different African countries and ethnic groups, with unique customs and rituals associated with the dowry payment. The dowry can take various forms, such as livestock, money, or other valuable goods, and its significance goes beyond material value, representing the merging of two families and the creation of unity and respect between them. Understanding and honoring these cultural practices is an essential part of building a strong and respectful relationship with an African partner. Therefore, for Black American men seeking to embark on this journey, embracing and respecting the tradition of paying a dowry is a meaningful step towards fostering understanding and connection within the context of traditional African culture.

Continuing from the previous statement, it is crucial to recognize that the diversity of African cultures goes beyond just customs and traditions. The continent is home to a multitude of languages, belief systems, and artistic expressions, each contributing to the vibrant tapestry of African heritage. From the rhythmic beats of West African drumming to the intricate beadwork of East Africa, the richness of African culture is evident in various forms. Moreover, the resilience and adaptability of African societies have enabled the preservation of age-old practices while embracing modern influences. This harmonious coexistence of tradition and progression further exemplifies the depth of African cultural identity, making it a source of inspiration and admiration worldwide.

Mestre João Pequeno de Pastinha, “a Capoeira Nasce com agente” – 1988

Mestre Joao pequeno de Pastinha, a distinguished figure in the world of Capoeira, not only showcased his exceptional skills in Capoeira de angola in the video from 1988 but also imparted his invaluable wisdom to the audience. Set against the vibrant backdrop of Rio De Janeiro, this video captures the essence of this traditional Brazilian martial art, offering an enriching experience for enthusiasts and individuals eager to delve into the cultural heritage of Capoeira. Alongside Mestre Joao pequeno de Pastinha, Mestres Gato, Peixinho, and Gil further enrich the video with their expertise, enhancing its cultural and historical significance.

Chinese Disrespect Nigerians In Their OWN COUNTRY…and Instantly REGRET IT!!!

Chinese Supermarket in Abuja Refuses to allow Nigerian customers inside the store. Now they have regretted making this decision as Nigeria shuts down this discriminatory business in Nigeria.

It is deeply concerning to witness discriminatory behavior towards any group of people. The unfortunate reality is that racism and discrimination exist in various forms in different parts of the world. It is crucial for societies to address and confront such issues with empathy, understanding, and a commitment to fostering inclusivity and equality for all individuals. The incident involving the Chinese supermarket in Nigeria underscores the importance of promoting cultural sensitivity and respect for diversity. It is my hope that through dialogue, education, and advocacy, we can strive towards a more harmonious and equitable global community.


I’m starting a new blog series about African spirituality.

This is a rich and diverse topic that encompasses a wide array of traditions, beliefs, and cultural expressions.

There are many spiritual systems across Africa and the diaspora, each with its distinct rituals, ceremonies, and cosmologies. From the ancient wisdom of the Yoruba religion to the powerful traditions of vodou in Haiti, there is a wealth of knowledge and experiences to be shared and celebrated.

I will try to explore the intersection of these spiritual practices with history, music, art, and social dynamics, in order to shed light on the profound influence they have had and continue to have on communities around the world.

I want to promote cross-cultural understanding, respect, and appreciation for the diversity of spiritual beliefs and practices. I’m gonna start off with this beautiful introductory video about Hoodoo, a spiritual practice developed by Afro-descendants here in North America, where I live.

Embracing and celebrating the rich tapestry of spiritual beliefs and practices is a noble endeavor that fosters harmony and unity. The promotion of cross-cultural understanding, respect, and appreciation for spiritual diversity is an essential component of a global society. Introducing others to the unique and profound aspects of spiritual traditions, such as Hoodoo, can lead to meaningful conversations and a deeper understanding of different cultural perspectives. Through initiatives like these, it’s my hope that people can broaden their horizons and cultivate empathy towards others’ spiritual experiences.

As we embark on this journey to promote cross-cultural understanding and appreciation for spiritual diversity, may this endeavor serve as a tribute to the collective tapestry of beliefs and practices that enrich our world.


In this discussion, it’s important to acknowledge the complexities surrounding the relationships between African American descendants of slaves (often referred to as FBA/Black Americans) and black immigrants from various African and Caribbean countries. This issue has sparked heated debates and differing perspectives within the black community. Some individuals argue that highlighting instances where African and Caribbean individuals, including influential figures, have expressed hostility towards FBA/Black Americans should not be construed as hatred on the part of the latter group. Instead, they assert that it is essential to shed light on these situations in order to address and rectify underlying tensions.

Conversely, others view such discussions as divisive and indicative of animosity towards black immigrants. They perceive the highlighting of these instances as an attempt to propagate negative stereotypes and create further discord within the black community. It’s crucial to delve into these viewpoints and explore the motivations behind these narratives to gain a comprehensive understanding of this issue.

Overall, delving into the intricacies of this schism necessitates a balanced and nuanced approach that considers the diverse experiences and perspectives within the black community. By fostering open dialogue and empathy, it becomes possible to work towards unity and collective empowerment, transcending the barriers that have historically divided various segments of the black diaspora.