
Hello Everyone.

The exploration of Capoeira Angola has significantly influenced my journey in inexplicable ways. This art form has sparked numerous inquiries within me, prompting profound introspection. One recurring question that continually emerges along my captivating path in Capoeira Angola is the pivotal moment that led me to immerse myself in this captivating discipline. Reflecting on this query has provided me with invaluable insights into the depth and breadth of the cultural and historical significance of Capoeira Angola. It has been a thought-provoking exploration that has enhanced my understanding of this captivating art form and its impact on both a personal and broader cultural level.

And that question is,




Well, I think to best answer that question, you have to ask yourself these 3 questions…

Are you able to stop someone from dominating you without recourse to police protection?

Are you able to provide for your basic needs (food, shelter, water, etc.) without recourse to an externally controlled infrastructure?

How effectively can you spot dangerous situations and avoid them?

The degree to which you can answer each of these questions is the degree that you have real freedom.


Last Year (2017) I got to meet in person, a man I’ve been wanting to meet in a long time.


His name is Ahmses Maat, and his school is called the MONTU UNIVERSITY FOR AFRIKAN DEFENSE. (Click HERE if you want to know more)In September 2017, my teacher Charles, my senior Ian, and I did a Capoeira Angola Demo and small class at an event in Riverside, and afterwards, Ahmses did a presentation and taught a Self Defense lesson after us.During his presentation, he asked how many people there had a survival bag. Of course, Me and Charles raised our hands, but almost no one else did. He then talked about how important it is to know about Survival and Self Reliance, among other things.

And yes, it is a very important subject.

Most people are so interconnected with the societies we live in these days, it’s almost hard to imagine being self-sufficient. We often rely on external help, like calling the police, but by the time they arrive, it’s often too late to prevent the situation from escalating. It’s like we go through life with blinders on, unaware of what’s happening around us. Our reliance on modern conveniences like running water, toasters, microwaves, and supermarkets, as well as our dependency on cars and the luxury of air conditioning, often leaves us feeling helpless when faced with even the most basic needs.

It’s concerning that there are now institutions teaching young adults fundamental life skills that were once common knowledge for every one of us in previous generations, learned during our childhood. The shift in our reliance on these societal structures and the detachment from essential life skills is quite evident, and it’s something that warrants reflection and consideration.


You don’t believe me? Well, I didn’t either…

Now I’m not sure why this is the case, but I do have a couple of IDEAS

Well anyway,  this web page  will be a small help in reversing this process.

Well, I hope so.


The topics of survival, whether in an urban or wilderness setting, are of utmost importance in today’s world. As we navigate through various aspects of survival, from living off the grid to achieving ultimate self-reliance, it’s essential to delve deep into the strategies and skills that can make all the difference in challenging situations.

Urban survival presents a unique set of challenges, requiring knowledge of navigation, resource management, and adapting to the environment. On the other hand, wilderness survival demands proficiency in shelter building, finding sustenance in the natural surroundings, and understanding wildlife behavior.

Both these realms of survival share the common thread of self-reliance, empowering individuals to be prepared and resilient in any circumstance. Embracing these themes leads to a holistic understanding of survival, fostering a sense of readiness and capability in the face of adversity.

But first, I want you to watch this video. It’s just a little… food for thought.


Now before I begin, I want to stress to you that this is just a bit of information on a web page. It is YOUR responsibility to go out, research, study on this, find a survival school where they can teach you these things in great detail, so you can learn to APPLY this information, and get the most benefit from it. Please understand,


O.K. Then, let’s get right to it.

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Now, when we are talking about SURVIVAL SKILLS, we are talking about certain techniques that a person may use in order to sustain life in any type of natural or built environment. These techniques are meant to provide basic necessities for human life which include water, food, and shelter. These basic skills also support proper knowledge and interactions with animals and plants to promote the sustaining of life over a period of time. Survival skills are often associated with the need to survive in a disaster situation, which will be the main subject of this page.

Survival skills encompass a wide range of practices and knowledge that are essential for navigating challenging and unpredictable situations. Understanding how to secure access to clean water, identify edible plant life, and construct suitable shelter are fundamental aspects of this expertise. Additionally, acquiring the ability to navigate, signal for help, and administer first aid can be crucial in emergency scenarios. Furthermore, survival skills also involve the capability to adapt to different environments and climates, be it in the wilderness, urban settings, or during natural disasters.
In addition to the practical aspects, the psychological and emotional dimensions of survival skills are equally important. Mental resilience, the capacity to stay calm under pressure, and the ability to make sound decisions in high-stress situations are essential components of survival training. Moreover, developing a sense of self-reliance and cultivating a positive mindset are valuable elements for effectively coping with adversity.
Moreover, survival skills are not solely focused on individual survival, but also encompass the principles of community resilience and cooperation. Understanding how to work with others, share resources, and provide support within a group setting is vital for long-term survival in challenging circumstances. By fostering teamwork and collaboration, individuals can maximize their chances of overcoming hardships and sustaining life over an extended period.

Ultimately, the acquisition and development of survival skills are not solely for preparing for worst-case scenarios, but also serve to enhance personal development and self-sufficiency. By mastering these skills, individuals can gain a sense of empowerment, adaptability, and confidence that extends beyond survival contexts, positively impacting various aspects of their lives.“`

Now, let’s begin.



The mind is critical to survival. The will to live in a life-and-death situation often separates those that survive, and those that don’t. Stories of heroic feats of survival by regular people with little or no training but a strong will to live are not uncommon. Situations can be stressful to the level that even trained experts may be mentally affected. One should be mentally and physically tough during a disaster.

The benefits of learning to function under extreme stress and determining those limits may outweigh the downside of stress.

There are certain strategies and mental tools that can help people cope better in a survival situation, such as focusing on manageable tasks, always having a Plan B available, and recognizing denial.





So, what is Urban Survival?

The skills and tactics required for urban survival are crucial for enduring an extended period in a densely populated urban environment during a major disaster. Whether you are a resident or just visiting a city, having the knowledge and ability to navigate and thrive in urban settings is essential. In the event of a disaster, the ability to hunker down and persevere becomes paramount. Whether it’s a short-term stay or an extended period of time, being equipped with the necessary survival skills and knowledge is indispensable for navigating the challenges that come with urban survival. From securing resources to navigating through the urban landscape, these skills are invaluable for anyone finding themselves in such a scenario.

So today we are going to cover a few basic things you need to know about how to survive in this kind of an environment.

Escaping a Riot

The larger the city, the bigger the odds of a riot. Sometimes you’re not aware of what’s happening until it’s too late (even the peaceful protest can take a turn for the worst). Sometimes there could be a social unrest that sprouts up between you and your home.So, how do you escape one? First, you  move with it, not against it. Better yet, move at an angle until you get the chance to get out and disappear in one of the streets. Second, don’t respond to challenges. Don’t run, don’t shout, and if someone wants your valuables, it’s best to comply.


Finding and Purifying Water

The ability to obtain clean water is truly essential not only in the wilderness but also in urban environments. Given the higher likelihood of water contamination in cities, it becomes crucial to be well-versed in multiple methods of water purification. Additionally, depending on one’s location within a city, access to water sources may prove more challenging compared to the wilderness. Despite the proximity of streams or lakes, potential risks associated with encountering other individuals in search of water can make the journey perilous. Mitigating this risk might involve exploring alternative water sources such as rainwater harvesting or even undertaking the ambitious task of digging a well. For individuals residing in areas with frequent precipitation, devising efficient methods for rain and snow collection becomes equally important, albeit followed by the imperative need for water purification. Remember, while the process of obtaining water may differ between urban and wilderness settings, ensuring its cleanliness remains a non-negotiable priority.


Finding Food 

Since your food stockpile is limited by the size of your apartment or house, you’re gonna have to procure your own food.

Assuming the classic scenario of empty store shelves, finding food in a crisis is going to be tough. The most likely places you can find food are going to be the various bodies of water such as lakes and ponds. There may be fish, there may be ducks, and you will need to know how to catch, kill, and then cook them. Oh, and let’s not forget pigeons. Pigeons are abundant in cities, and hunting them isn’t that hard as long as you have something like a slingshot or an air rifle. Of course, a bird trap will always be the most effective.

And no, I didn’t forget mice and rats either; I just think it’s disgusting to eat them. However, in a survival situation, they may become a necessary source of protein for some individuals.

Most people have no idea that cities are full of delicious, healthy plants that are going to make very good salads. Heck, if you want, you can just pick them, wash, and eat them! Green dandelion, ground ivy, and clovers are just a few examples of edible plants you can find in and around cities. Click HERE to learn more about urban foraging and the edible wild plants you can find in the city.

If you’re looking for cooked food, you are probably going to have to search all the trash cans and dumpsters you can find. Of course, keep in mind that everyone else will also be doing that, so competition for these resources may be fierce in a crisis scenario. However, it’s important to remember that safety and hygiene are crucial when scavenging for food, as consuming contaminated or spoiled food can lead to severe illness. Always assess the risk and make informed decisions when gathering food from unconventional sources.


Getting Home 

When a disaster strikes, probably the first thing you’ll want to do is to get home (unless your home was destroyed), since you’ll want to make sure that your family is safe, and because that’s where you’ll be keeping most of your survival gear and resources. Well, if you’ve been prepping, that is. This is a big problem for most of us urban preppers. How are you going to go home if you’re stuck on the other side of the city and all the main roads are flooded? Well, if you’ve been prepping, you’d have figured out ways to get home from just about any other point in the city beforehand. You do that by actually walking or driving (or using public transportation) through those roads so you familiarize yourself with them.

Taking the time to explore and map out alternative routes can be invaluable in an emergency scenario. Familiarizing yourself with different paths to your home, work, or other important locations can make all the difference when regular routes are inaccessible. Additionally, this preparation can also include identifying emergency shelters, water sources, and other crucial resources along these routes. By doing so, you can ensure that you are better equipped to navigate through unforeseen challenges and reach your destination safely.

Moreover, having a solid grasp of your surroundings and potential obstacles can aid in making swift and informed decisions during high-stress situations. This level of preparation not only enhances your ability to respond effectively but also contributes to a sense of security and confidence in your emergency readiness. Ultimately, proactive measures such as these can significantly impact your overall resilience in the face of unexpected events, reinforcing the importance of thorough preparation and planning for various contingencies.


Security, Awareness and Self Defense

The specific relevant content for this request, if necessary, delimited with characters: Now much of this I covered on the SELF-DEFENSE page, but I will say a couple of more things here.After any disaster, police will be stretched to the limit so you can expect crime to skyrocket, especially if the city is running low on food. There are many ways to make your home secure and deter burglars, but you also need to practice general awareness skills.

During times of crisis, such as after a major disaster, it’s essential to consider the security of your home and personal safety. As mentioned in the resource on self-defense, when law enforcement resources are stretched, instances of crime may see a significant increase. This is particularly true if essential resources like food become scarce within the community.

It’s crucial to take proactive measures to secure your home and prevent potential burglaries. From reinforcing entry points to investing in security systems, there are various strategies to enhance the safety of your living space. However, beyond physical security measures, it’s equally important to cultivate a sense of general awareness and vigilance.

By staying informed about the situation in your area and being mindful of your surroundings, you can better protect yourself and your property. Remember, a proactive approach to safety can significantly reduce the risk of becoming a target during challenging times.


Be on alert at all times. Take note of the people around you (such as someone watching/following you), look for things out of the ordinary (like a suspicious vehicle parked near your home), listen for unusual sounds (shouting, running, other noises), notice smells in the air (smoke, gasoline, etc.), know your exits in case you have to escape. Achieving a heightened level of awareness takes practice. It may be paranoid, but sometimes, paranoia could save your life. Cities can be dangerous. There are eyes watching you at every street corner. It’s critical that you know how to BLEND IN if you want to avoid getting mugged, beaten to death, or worse. Even with great home security and awareness, you still might find yourself face to face with a mugger or worse. While it’s a good idea to have a gun, or some other weapon for self-defense, there’s always the chance you’ll get caught off guard. This is when you’ll need some hand-to-hand combat skills. Even professional fighters never stop learning. Of course you know what martial art I RECOMMEND, or else I wouldn’t have made a whole WEBSITE about it. But even if Capoeira Angola is not your cup of tea, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND that you learn SOME martial art.

When it comes to personal safety, one can never be too careful. Engaging in daily practices to heighten your awareness of your surroundings can be a key factor in avoiding potentially dangerous situations. From paying attention to the people around you to being aware of any out-of-the-ordinary occurrences, these habits can make all the difference. While it may seem like an extra layer of caution, being alert at all times could be the very thing that keeps you safe.

In urban environments, the need for vigilance is even more pronounced. With countless sets of eyes at every turn, it’s essential to understand the art of blending in with the surroundings and knowing how to navigate through potential threats. These skills, often overlooked, can be invaluable in ensuring personal safety and security. Additionally, even with the best security measures in place, unexpected confrontations can still occur. In such scenarios, having a grasp of hand-to-hand combat can provide a critical advantage.

The importance of continuous learning in self-defense cannot be overstated. Whether it’s through exploring the art of Capoeira Angola or delving into another martial art form, the benefits of equipping oneself with these skills are manifold. In the pursuit of personal safety, investing in the acquisition of martial arts knowledge can arm individuals with the confidence and ability to protect themselves in unforeseen circumstances. By embracing the spirit of constant improvement, one can fortify their readiness to face any potential threats.”


Weapons Training and Safety

If you have a firearm, you need to know how to handle it safely, how to clean it, and how to shoot it. Hopefully, you’ll never have to use one in self-defense, but you have to be ready for the possibility, and that means practice. It is easier to miss an attacker than you think. If someone is charging toward you, you’ll only have a couple seconds to raise your gun and fire. Keep that in mind at the gun range. The more experience you have, the better. If you like knives, sticks, etc., you also NEED to learn how to use them, and even MAKE them, if necessary…

It’s essential to emphasize the importance of regular and consistent training and practice when it comes to firearm safety and self-defense. Understanding the proper handling and maintenance of a firearm is paramount, and this knowledge can be acquired through reputable resources and organizations. Additionally, honing marksmanship skills and familiarizing oneself with the operation of the firearm is crucial for effective and safe use in any potential self-defense situation.

Furthermore, developing proficiency in alternative self-defense tools such as knives or sticks can provide valuable options in different scenarios. Learning not only how to use these tools but also creating them if required can expand one’s self-defense capabilities. With dedication and practice, individuals can increase their readiness and ability to respond effectively to potential threats.

First Aid and Medical

The proper utilization of a first aid kit is crucial, especially in emergency situations where medical facilities may be overwhelmed. Having the kit is important, but possessing the knowledge and skills to use its contents effectively can make a significant difference. Imagine the potential impact of being able to assist a friend or family member in a time of crisis. Additionally, even if you are the one injured, being able to provide coherent instructions to others could prove invaluable. Therefore, it is highly recommended to take a first aid class to ensure you are well-prepared to handle emergency situations, and to ensure that the medical supplies in your possession are not rendered ineffective due to lack of knowledge.


Handyman Skills

Knowing how to fix things around the house could be crucial after the SHTF. Keep in mind that there are several types of disasters that could damage your home. If that happens, plumbing, electrical, and carpentry skills could mean the difference between having a place to stay and a place you’re forced to leave.Most people out there DON’T KNOW HOW TO FIX THINGS. This is unfortunate, but this is what happens when you’re part of a society where it’s so easy to charge replacement items to the credit card and have them on the doorstep in a matter of days. But there may come a time when people can’t get replacements and have to fix the things they have: generators, radios, flashlights, camp stoves, filtration systems, appliances, etc. with things found LOCALLY.

In addition, less and less people know how to fix their vehicles. You may want to learn how to hot wire a car in case you find yourself stranded somewhere and need to start an abandoned vehicle. It’s essential to be prepared for various scenarios.

Find and organize all your REPAIR MANUALS, and learn how to fix your survival gear because you may not be able to order replacements. It’s important to be self-reliant, especially in challenging situations.

Moreover, if you have an automobile, it’s advisable to get plenty of spare parts for it and learn how to INSTALL THEM. This knowledge can come in handy during emergencies when professional help may not be readily available.

A great resource for honing your repair and maintenance skills is THE FAMILY HANDYMAN. The skills you learn here may also be utilized to build alliances with neighbors, fostering a sense of community preparedness. Building strong relationships with neighbors can be invaluable in times of need.

Haggling and Negotiating

After an economic collapse, mini flea markets will spring up all over the place. Day to day life may go on, but many people won’t be able to afford new things. They’ll have to buy used items and possibly create and barter their own items. In such uncertain times, the art of haggling becomes incredibly valuable. If you find yourself in that situation, knowing how to haggle could become a key survival skill. It’s not just about getting a good deal, but about obtaining the essential items you need amidst challenging circumstances. The ability to negotiate for goods and services can make a significant difference in your quality of life and well-being.

Strengthening your bargaining skills can empower you to acquire necessities and resources that might otherwise be out of reach. By honing the art of haggling, you gain the ability to stretch your resources, adapt to the new economic landscape, and secure vital items for yourself and your family. Moreover, it can facilitate connections with others in the community as you engage in trade, barter, and mutual assistance, further strengthening the social fabric during difficult times.

Learning from the wisdom of previous generations and practicing the art of negotiation can indeed be a powerful tool for navigating challenging economic environments. Like any other skill, becoming proficient in haggling takes time, effort, and practice. Through deliberate practice and experience, you can refine your ability to search for the best deals, understand market dynamics, and effectively negotiate for your needs. By embracing the principles of haggling, you not only gain practical advantages but also foster resilience and adaptability in the face of adversity.

I’ve provided a video playlist I created to help you see these things in greater detail:


And, here are a few online resources that you can use to help in your research.





Now, because I live in a city, Urban Survival is obviously my priority. However, I believe that everyone must in addition to urban survival skills, should also have some knowledge and skills in wilderness survival. Wilderness Survival skills are often basic ideas and abilities that ancient people invented and used themselves for thousands of years. It’s fascinating to think about how essential these skills were for survival in the past, and how they can still be relevant today in various outdoor activities.

Outdoor activities such as hiking, backpacking, horseback riding, fishing, and hunting all require basic wilderness survival skills, especially in handling emergency situations. Embracing the principles of Bush-craft and primitive living can be empowering and enriching, connecting us to the natural world and teaching us valuable lessons in self-sufficiency and resilience.

These skills are not just practical; they also provide a deeper understanding and appreciation of our environment and the resources it offers. Whether it’s learning how to build a shelter from natural materials, finding and purifying water, creating fire without matches, foraging for food, or navigating using the sun and stars, wilderness survival skills empower individuals to confidently explore and enjoy the great outdoors.

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to feel disconnected from nature, but by developing these fundamental skills, we can gain a sense of self-reliance and cultivate a deeper relationship with the natural world around us. There is so much information on basic survival skills that you might be asking “Where to start?” Here are 6 primary components of wilderness survival to help you thrive in any situation.


In addition to the essential first aid kit and wilderness first aid, it’s crucial to be well-prepared for any outdoor emergency situation. Familiarizing oneself with the identification and usage of naturally occurring medicinal plants can be immensely beneficial. These plants can provide remedies for various injuries and ailments, offering a natural alternative in the absence of traditional medical supplies. Furthermore, knowing how to properly immobilize injured limbs and efficiently transport incapacitated individuals is vital in a wilderness setting, where access to professional medical care may be limited. By expanding your knowledge and preparedness in these areas, you can enhance your ability to address medical emergencies while exploring the great outdoors.


Many people who are forced into survival situations often get into serious trouble because of direct exposure to the elements. Most people in survival situations die of hypothermia, which can be easily avoided with basic survival skills. Being able to build a shelter is of paramount importance in a survival situation. It is extremely important to prevent or minimize heat loss, or if in a desert environment, to minimize water loss. Understanding how to regulate body temperature and conserve energy is crucial for survival. In addition to building shelters, knowing how to start a fire, find or purify water, and signal for help are essential skills. These skills can mean the difference between life and death when facing the challenges of the wilderness.

Here are some things to think about when planning to build a shelter:

– Location (away from hazards, near materials)

– Insulation (from ground, rain, wind, air)

– Heat Source (body heat or fire-heated)

– Personal or Group Shelter

The concept of shelter is diverse and encompasses a wide range of structures and environments. A shelter can take various forms, from natural shelters like caves, overhanging rock outcrops, or fallen-down trees, to more intermediate forms of man-made shelter, such as debris huts, tree pit shelters, or snow caves. Additionally, it can also include completely man-made structures like tarps, tents, or longhouses traditionally used by indigenous peoples of North America. Each type of shelter offers a different level of protection and comfort, tailored to the specific environmental conditions and resources available. For instance, a snow cave provides insulation from the cold, while a tarp can offer temporary protection from rain or sun exposure. Understanding the diversity of shelter options is essential for survival and outdoor activities, as it allows individuals to adapt to and thrive in various natural settings.



Since the human body is composed of up to 78% water, it should be no surprise that water is higher on the list than fire or food. A human being can survive an average of three to five days without the intake of water. The issues presented by the need for water dictate that unnecessary water loss by perspiration be avoided in survival situations. The need for water increases with exercise. Ideally, a person should drink about a gallon of water per day. Many lost persons perish due to dehydration, and/or the debilitating effects of water-borne pathogens from untreated water. In addition to water-borne pathogens, minerals and metals can be found in waters downstream from industrial and agricultural operations. The best sources for clean drinking water in a wilderness setting are springs, head-water streams, and collecting morning dew.

Popular modern methods for purifying/treating water include filtering pumps and chemical treatments, such as iodine. These can be efficient and effective solutions if you have access to these items in a survival situation. An herbal treatment is another method in which water may be purified from viruses and bacteria. Grapefruit seed extract is sold as a water purifier, although there is some debate on whether or not it is one hundred percent effective. The most widely used and proven method for safely purifying water is boiling. Bringing water to a boil and allowing it to continue to boil for 2-3 minutes will kill bacteria and viruses.

By maintaining a level attitude, creating a shelter, and obtaining clean water, a person can successfully survive for many weeks. It’s important to note that clean water is not only crucial for drinking but also for other essential tasks such as cooking and washing. In survival situations, finding a reliable and safe water source is paramount to ensure not only hydration but also overall well-being.

In addition to the methods mentioned, it’s crucial to be aware of the surroundings and any potential contaminations that may affect the water source. Understanding the natural environment, including the topography, weather patterns, and vegetation, can greatly aid in identifying suitable water sources. Furthermore, being equipped with the knowledge of local plant life that can indicate the presence of water, such as cattails and certain types of willow trees, can significantly increase the chances of finding safe water in the wilderness.

When facing an extended survival scenario, the ability to source, purify, and store water becomes a fundamental skill. It’s not only about the quantity of water but also the quality and safety of the water consumed. By being well-prepared and knowledgeable about water procurement and treatment, individuals can greatly enhance their chances of survival in challenging environments.



The ability to create fire has been recognized as a crucial skill for enhancing both physical and mental survival. Its benefits are numerous, from providing warmth to drying clothes, boiling water, and cooking food. The act of lighting a fire without conventional tools, such as using natural flint and steel with tinder, is a common topic in survival literature and courses. There is a strong emphasis on honing fire-making skills before embarking on wilderness adventures, and carrying multiple fire-starting tools, like lighters, matches, and flint and steel, is recommended for outdoor travel.

Advancements in technology have made producing fire under adverse conditions more manageable, with tools like the solar spark lighter and the fire piston simplifying the process. However, even with modern implements, starting a fire can still be challenging during harsh weather conditions. As a result, mastering traditional fire-making techniques such as fire by friction, including methods like the bow drill, hand drill, fire plow, and fire saw, remains invaluable.

Fire is portrayed as a versatile tool that addresses various survival needs and is not limited to just physical necessities. Its ability to provide a sense of home, safety, and protection, along with a psychological boost, should not be underestimated. When in the wild, fire can serve as a focal point and a vital energy source, aiding in creating a feeling of security. Although fire may deter wild animals from engaging with a survivor, it is important to be cautious as the light and heat from a fire could also attract them.

The multifaceted importance of fire in a survival context underscores its significance as a fundamental skill for anyone venturing into the great outdoors.


You might be surprised to see food so low on the basic survival skills priorities list, though we can survive for much longer without it as compared with shelter and water. Remember “The Rule of Threes”: humans can survive without food for roughly 3 weeks (though I’m sure you would not want to go that long without food!). Thankfully, most natural environments are filled with a variety of items that can meet our nutritional needs.

Wild plants often provide the most readily available foods, though insects and small wild game can also support our dietary needs in a survival situation. Culinary root tubers, fruits, edible mushrooms, nuts, beans, cereals, edible leaves, moss, cacti, cattail, conifers, grasses, Oaks (acorns), and algae can be gathered and, if needed, prepared (mostly by boiling). With the exception of leaves, these foods are relatively high in calories, providing some energy to the body. Plants are some of the easiest food sources to find in the jungle, forest, or desert because they are stationary and can thus be had without exerting much effort.

Skills and equipment (such as bows, snares, and nets) are necessary to gather animal food in the wild. These include animal trapping, hunting, and fishing. Food, when cooked in canned packaging (e.g. baked beans), may leach chemicals from their linings. Cockroaches, flies, and ants can contaminate food, making it unsafe for consumption. Be sure that you properly identify any plant you plan on consuming (using field guides and/or the guidance of an experienced expert). Many plants can be difficult to identify, and some edible plants have poisonous look-a-likes. If you cannot identify the plant, do not eat it.

The knowledge of survival skills such as foraging for food and hunting for animals is essential for anyone venturing into the wilderness. It’s important to understand the potential risks associated with consuming unknown plants or contaminated food, as well as the proper methods for food preparation. By being well-prepared and knowledgeable about various food sources in nature, one can increase their chances of survival and thrive in challenging environments.


The specific relevant content for this request, if necessary, delimited with characters: The more you know about nature, the better you will be able to survive in the outdoors. To be great at wilderness survival, beyond the basic survival skills, requires an in-depth understanding of a variety of nature skills. For example, wildlife tracking skills allow one to effectively locate wild game for food, and knowledge of herbal medicine allows one to heal illnesses with wild plants. Especially for the situation where you may choose to purposefully practice survival living for a lengthened period of time, naturalist knowledge is absolutely invaluable.All of our hunter–gatherer ANCESTORS had classification systems for living organisms, knew their names, understood their uses, recognized how they inter-related to each other, and were aware of exactly how to utilize those resources in a sustainable fashion. This knowledge was at the foundation of their ability to thrive within the natural environment. Understanding these complex and interconnected systems offered our ancestors an ecological intelligence that allowed them to live in harmony with the environment, ensuring the continuity of resources for future generations. The principles and practices of ecological sustainability that were inherent in their way of life are increasingly being recognized as valuable in contemporary society, as we grapple with the challenges of environmental conservation and preservation of biodiversity. Therefore, by delving deeper into the wisdom of our ancestors and embracing the naturalist knowledge that sustained them, we can glean valuable insights into coexisting with nature and fostering a sustainable future for all living beings on our planet.


O.K., now for those of you who are wondering what all this has to do with Capoeira Angola, I’ll tell you…


Not now in this present day, Anyway.

The skills mentioned earlier were indeed crucial for the African Warriors who originated Capoeira. It is fascinating to consider that the early Capoeiristas might have assimilated a modified version of these abilities, perhaps through interactions with the Native Tribes. This historical perspective sheds light on the diverse influences that have shaped Capoeira as a martial art and cultural practice. While these skills may not be explicitly incorporated into modern Capoeira training, acknowledging their potential historical significance adds depth to our understanding of this art form.

But hey, don’t take my word for it…

Click HERE to go to a post from the Mukhanda International Facebook Page. If anyone of you out there wants to learn about authentic martial sciences from Africa or the African diaspora, you need to check this page out.

In many indigenous African cultures, the warrior traditions were an integral and pervasive part of daily life, permeating all aspects of African societies. It is fascinating to note that individuals of all genders and age groups, starting from as young as 10 years old, were actively instructed in a wide array of skills and knowledge. These included the acquisition of essential survival skills, such as those described in the following link: SURVIVAL SKILLS. Moreover, they were also trained in combat techniques involving both weaponry and hand-to-hand combat.

The initiation proceedings for male and female members involved a comprehensive educational curriculum that covered various facets of traditional and practical knowledge. This encompassed teachings on indigenous history, hunting methods, food preparation, mathematics, indigenous sciences, spirituality, dances, physical fitness, indigenous writing scripts, and comprehensive combat systems, inclusive of armed and unarmed approaches. Consequently, all our previous posts have eloquently reflected these multifaceted aspects of African culture, particularly those related to the esteemed warrior cultures.

And yes, many of these Africans, when enslaved,  WOULD have brought these skills to the new world, and modified them to fit in to their new environment.


Such skills would have been invaluable to runaway slaves from all over the AFRICAN DIASPORA, to escape to freedom, and to help build communities and FIGHT BACK against their oppressors.




The history of escape and resistance among enslaved people in Brazil is a crucial and deeply impactful aspect of the country’s past. The determination and resourcefulness of escaping slaves is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit in the face of oppression. These individuals navigated treacherous obstacles and actively resisted their captors, often relying on their ingenuity and communal knowledge to evade capture. The utilization of skills to elude and confront bounty hunters underscores the strategic and courageous efforts of those seeking freedom.

Moreover, the significant role of African hairstyles, specifically “cornrows,” as an escape map is a poignant example of the cultural and practical adaptations developed by enslaved individuals. The intricacy of cornrows was ingeniously employed to convey vital information and navigational cues, serving as a remarkable manifestation of creativity and survival instinct.

In the history of Jamaica, a remarkable story unfolds in the rugged terrain of the Blue Mountains. It was here that a group of courageous individuals, known as the Maroons, found refuge after escaping from slavery. Their fierce determination to resist oppression led them to establish communities in the challenging mountainous landscapes of Jamaica.


The Maroons displayed exceptional resilience as they evaded the British army, remaining vigilant and ready to defend their freedom at all costs. This chapter in Jamaican history serves as a testament to the indomitable spirit and resilience of those who sought liberation and justice in the face of adversity.

The scarcity of food prompted them to rely on ancestral knowledge to capture wild boars in the dense forest. By utilizing salt, peppers, and various spices, they honed their skills in preserving the meat, fostering a tradition that persevered through time. This culinary practice evolved over generations, incorporating a diverse array of spices, culminating in the beloved cooking style known today as JERK. This rich heritage, rooted in resourcefulness and flavor, continues to captivate enthusiasts such as myself, drawn to the irresistible allure of jerk chicken, pork, and other delectable dishes.

In the rich and complex history of the French colony of Saint Dominique, the maroons showcased their extraordinary abilities, which included a fusion of resourcefulness, resilience, and adaptability. These skills, coupled with their deep-rooted spirituality and unyielding martial prowess, played a pivotal role in their revolt against their oppressors. The maroons not only defied the odds but also succeeded in establishing a new nation, marking a significant chapter in the annals of history. The saga of Saint Dominique and the indomitable spirit of its people continue to inspire generations across the globe.


And in the United States where I’m from, the slaves would sing map songs like “FOLLOW THE DRINKING GOURD,” using skills that our warrior ancestors developed to escape to freedom. It’s a powerful reminder of the resilience and ingenuity displayed in the face of adversity. In many cases, they would not only strive for freedom but also FIGHT BACK against the oppression and injustice they faced. The songs they sang carried not only the notes and rhythms but the stories and struggles of their people, serving as a form of resistance and hope. If you’d like to experience the significance of these songs firsthand, you can listen to 2 versions of this impactful song by clicking HERE and HERE. Additionally, for a deeper dive into this cultural and historical context, you can click HERE for a little… something extra.


Now, I would like to give a shout – out to one of our greatest warriors, HARRIET TUBMAN.

You can rent or buy this movie on YouTube by clicking HERE.

There are many more examples of how the slaves used the survival skills of their african ancestors, modified for use in the Americas, to create new lives, and in some cases, even HELP the European settlers settle this land.


From historic abolitionists to modern activists, the battle against slavery has been relentless, weaving its way through the fabric of society and compelling individuals to take a stand against this abhorrent practice. The resolve to combat slavery reflects the shared values of compassion, justice, and human rights that unite people across the globe. Whether through legislative measures, grassroots advocacy, or humanitarian efforts, the collective determination to eradicate slavery persists AT EVERY TURN….


O.K., now back to the main subject.

Even for individuals who engage in recreational wilderness activities, having a fundamental understanding of the natural sciences can prove to be invaluable and enriching. By delving into fields such as botany, ecology, geology, and more, enthusiasts equip themselves with the tools to comprehend and appreciate the environment around them on a deeper level. A fantastic starting point for anyone looking to enhance their knowledge is to invest in field guides specific to the flora and fauna of their region. These indispensable resources provide valuable information and visual references, enabling enthusiasts to identify various species and gain insights into their interrelationships. You can find a comprehensive selection of field guides tailored to your specific area on FIELD GUIDES. With these resources at hand, individuals can embark on a journey of discovery and understanding, enriching their experiences in the great outdoors.

I’ve provided a video playlist showing these things in greater detail:

And, here’s a few online resources which will help you in your research:

WILDERNESS SURVIVAL A handbook for Wilderness Survival. Diagrams, Pictures, Tips, Tricks, Explanations, and Information.

SURVIVAL CACHE – The gear site for survivalists

SKILLED SURVIVAL – Prepare, adapt, and Overcome



This is one of my main dreams in life.

The concept of living off the grid represents a substantial shift away from traditional urban and suburban lifestyles. Beyond the absence of a direct connection to the electric grid, those who embrace this lifestyle often adopt a range of alternative practices to achieve self-sufficiency in various aspects of daily life.

One of the fundamental characteristics of off-the-grid living is the reliance on self-sustained sources of energy, such as solar panels, wind turbines, or generators. This departure from centralized energy systems not only promotes independence but also aligns with eco-friendly principles by reducing reliance on fossil fuels. In addition to energy sources, individuals living off the grid typically manage their waste through methods like composting, reducing their environmental impact even further.

Furthermore, the decision to live off the grid often encompasses a holistic approach to self-reliance, extending to food production and water sourcing. Many off-the-grid communities engage in practices like organic farming, permaculture, and rainwater harvesting. By cultivating their own produce and collecting water from natural sources, individuals can minimize their dependence on external resources while leading a more sustainable lifestyle.

Another significant aspect of off-the-grid living involves financial independence, eschewing conventional debt-driven systems. Without the burden of mortgage payments, car loans, and similar financial commitments, individuals can experience greater freedom and flexibility in their daily lives. This financial autonomy often fosters a sense of empowerment and liberation from societal norms, allowing individuals to prioritize experiences and personal fulfillment over material possessions.

In essence, the decision to live off the grid reflects a profound commitment to self-sufficiency, environmental stewardship, and financial autonomy. It represents a departure from the confines of modern consumerist culture, offering a path towards a more intentional, sustainable way of life.

Now you can go off and live like that if you want to. Me,  I like my life in the big city at this moment, although in the not too distant future, I WILL fulfill my dream and go off-the-grid. But that’s in the future for me. However, if this lifestyle appeals to you, I posted some rescources below to help put you on the right track.

Living off-the-grid presents a unique set of challenges and rewards. It involves self-sufficiency, sustainability, and a deep connection to nature. For some, it’s a dream worth pursuing, a chance to simplify life and embrace a more serene existence. As for myself, the allure of the bustling city keeps me rooted for now, but the call of nature’s tranquility is ever present. The prospect of transitioning to an off-the-grid lifestyle is an exciting future prospect, one that holds the promise of a simpler, more intentional way of life.

For those considering this path, there are numerous resources available to guide and inspire. Whether it’s learning about sustainable energy sources, organic gardening, or building off-grid structures, there’s a wealth of information to explore. I encourage you to take the first step and delve into these resources, as they may provide valuable insight and practical knowledge for your off-the-grid journey.

Embracing such a lifestyle is a personal choice, and by offering these resources, I hope to assist you in embarking on this fulfilling and transformative path.


RETURN TO NOW – From their website: Return to Now is dedicated to helping humans live fully in the present, while gleaning tips on how to do so from our distant past. It’s a new kind of “news” website, whose contributors are not as concerned with current events as we are with the whole of the human experience.

SURVIVAL INTERNATIONAL – From their website: Survival INTERNATIONAL is the global movement for tribal peoples’ rights. This is the only organization that champions tribal peoples around the world. They help them defend their lives, protect their lands and determine their own futures.

PERMIES.COMPermaculture and homesteading community with forums, videos, podcasts, articles, and other resources. Come and join the discussion!

SCHOOL OF PERMACULTURE – From their website: School of Permaculture is a non profit educational organization which focuses on the education of individuals and groups to re-learn how to work and harmonize with natural systems for every day living needs (housing, food, clean water, community, etc…). We achieve this through combining sustainable ancient wisdom, appropriate technology, and by providing training through courses, consultations, and aid work.

NO GRID SURVIVAL PROJECTS – Here you’ll discover 70 clever projects to keep your family safe during tough times like economic crisis, power outages, riots, inflation, hurricanes, or unexpected events.

And also, I’m posting a playlist that I made of people who are living off the grid…




You think you’re ready to start a revolution? To topple your oppressors? To start your new utopian society?

Well, if you think you’re ready, then this video’s for you.

And if you wana know who Killer Mike is, click HERE.

While I appreciate the urgency and passion behind your words, it’s important to remember that meaningful change often requires more than just a desire for action. It’s crucial to deeply understand the complexities of the issues at hand, the potential impact of proposed actions, and the broader implications for society. Constructive dialogue, thoughtful engagement, and strategic advocacy can often lead to more sustainable and effective solutions. Society benefits greatly from individuals who actively participate in shaping its future, but it’s essential to do so with a deep awareness of the consequences and a commitment to positive transformation.

First and foremost, it’s crucial to recognize that these essential skills are not only beneficial but increasingly necessary in today’s world. As previously mentioned, a significant portion of the global population lacks the fundamental ability to ensure their own survival. Inability to craft essential tools and insufficient knowledge of food procurement leave us reliant on external sources for our sustenance and well-being.

This pervasive dependence poses a profound obstacle to achieving genuine independence. The trend towards interdependence has been steadily escalating over the past century, raising concerns about the potential consequences. If this trajectory persists, it could lead to a catastrophic societal collapse or a regression to a feudal system. In this hypothetical scenario, a select ruling class would possess complete control over vital resources, relegating the rest of the population to a state akin to servitude.

While some may argue that we are already entrenched in such a societal framework, it is imperative to maintain optimism and actively seek solutions. By acquiring these critical skills and promoting self-sufficiency, individuals can help counteract this disconcerting trend and cultivate a more resilient and empowered society. It is through these efforts that we can aspire to shape a future that is not beholden to the constraints of dependency and inequality.

Take the natural disasters like HURRICANE KATRINA, or the recent (As of this writing) hurricane IN PUERTO RICO  for example:

The situation in Puerto Rico following the tragic event was truly devastating. My heart truly goes out to all the individuals who lost their loved ones during that difficult time, as well as to those who are still enduring the challenges on the island.

The story of the Puerto Rican family who managed to survive with their skills intact amidst the struggles of their fellow islanders sheds light on the resilience and determination that can emerge in the face of adversity. It’s a reminder of the strength and resourcefulness that individuals and communities can harness during such trying times, especially when faced with challenges that test the capabilities of government support.

This narrative serves as a powerful testament to the human spirit and the capacity to persevere even in the absence of external assistance. It’s a story that resonates deeply, highlighting the importance of self-reliance and the incredible capacity for individuals to overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles.

Now if THAT alone is not a reason to learn these skills, then I don’t know what is.


Look, A revolution is imminent. Oh yes, a new world is coming. And it will be


And now is the time to prepare for it. We must start taking care of ourselves, our people, and our planet. And the 1st step in my opinion, is to reclaim the skills our ancestors gained, the ability to thrive in our natural environment, and to use our planet’s resources in a natural and sustainable way.

It is indeed a crucial moment for us to refocus our attention on the well-being of ourselves, our communities, and the Earth. As we navigate the complexities of modern life, there is an undeniable call to reconnect with the wisdom of previous generations, to rediscover the profound ability to not just survive, but to thrive in harmony with our natural surroundings. Our ancestors possessed invaluable knowledge on living sustainably and in tune with the environment, skills that we can learn from and incorporate into our lives today. By embracing this ancestral wisdom, we can take meaningful steps towards a more balanced and sustainable existence, ensuring that we honor and preserve the resources of our planet for future generations.

And this, I believe, is the first step to TRUE FREEDOM.


Are you able to stop someone from dominating you without recourse to police protection?

Are you able to provide for your basic needs (food, shelter, water, etc.) without recourse to an externally controlled infrastructure?

How effectively can you spot dangerous situations and avoid them?

The degree to which you can answer each of these questions is the degree that you have real freedom.

At least, I think so.
