The main capoeira group that I’m training with is named “The Solsinmotion Capoeira Collective.

The Solsinmotion Capoeira Collective is a holistic life-coaching platform that focuses on integrating the mind, body, and soul connection through the practice of Capoeira Angola.

This group is part of a larger entity called Solsinmotion.


Solsinmotion is a profound movement that aims to provide individuals with valuable counseling and personal development coaching services. The primary goal is to empower people to lead happier, healthier, and more successful lives while enabling them to connect with their loving nature by tapping into their intuition. Moreover, Solsinmotion assists individuals in gracefully and effortlessly implementing strategies to achieve their heartfelt desires.

It’s worth noting that the founder of Solsinmotion, Charles Williams, has played a pivotal role in shaping this movement. Charles has not only been a remarkable Capoeira instructor but has also excelled in various other disciplines such as counseling, life coaching, fitness training, poetry, writing, and spiritual psychology. His multidimensional expertise enriches the offerings of Solsinmotion, making it a well-rounded platform for personal growth and development.

Here he is giving us his patient and expert instruction.


Well, we used to train there.


Now, we are in the El Sereno neighborhood in Northeast Los Angeles every Tuesday and Thursday, 7 to 9 p.m. I can’t go to this class as often as I want to, so I treasure every opportunity I get to take class here. It’s a wonderful feeling to be able to attend these sessions in the El Sereno neighborhood of Northeast Los Angeles. Even though I can’t make it to every class, I feel deeply grateful for the chance to participate in this enriching experience whenever possible. The vibrant atmosphere and welcoming community make each class a valuable and memorable occasion that I hold dear. The classes take place at such a convenient time, from 7 to 9 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays, allowing me to easily incorporate them into my schedule. I truly cherish the time spent in these classes, and I always look forward to the next opportunity to join in this inspiring environment.


For more information, or if you want to book a session with charles, please contact him at www.solsinmotion.com.


Certainly, I’d be delighted to elaborate further on the introduction of “Crazy Uncle” in capoeira, Treinel Jelani Lateef. Capoeira, a Brazilian martial art form that combines elements of dance, acrobatics, and music, holds a rich history and vibrant culture. Throughout the years, capoeira has transcended borders, captivating individuals from diverse backgrounds and uniting them through its expressive movements and rhythms.

Treinel Jelani Lateef’s influence and expertise in capoeira add a compelling dynamic to the art. As a friend and teacher, his unique approach to capoeira reflects a deep appreciation for tradition intertwined with innovation. His dedication to preserving the essence of capoeira while adapting it to modern contexts is truly remarkable. With his guidance, students not only learn the physical aspects of capoeira but also gain insight into its cultural significance and the values it embodies.

The guy Jelani’s playing in this video clip is Contra Mestre Muito Tempo, head teacher of CAPOEIRA BATUQUE PASADENA, and a real good person. And also, along with another great guy called Professor Saracuru from CAPOEIRA BRASIL DTLA, he holds a very large yearly (Sometimes bi-yearly) Roda called THE CAPOEIRA EXCHANGE, that takes place in Los Angeles. You’ll read more about him and Saracuru in future blogs on this website.

Since I first wrote the above statement, Contra Mestre Muito Tempo was promoted at CAPOEIRA BATUQUE’S 2019 BATIZADO, and is now MESTRE Muito Tempo. We in the Capoeira world congratulate him for his many Years of hard work and dedication to capoeira, and we wish him the BEST of luck in all his future endeavors

Mestre Muito Tempo embodies the essence of capoeira, demonstrating exceptional skill and leadership within the art. His promotion to Mestre is a testament to his unwavering dedication and the years of hard work he has contributed to the capoeira community. The annual Roda event, known as THE CAPOEIRA EXCHANGE, serves as a vibrant celebration of capoeira culture, bringing together practitioners from diverse backgrounds to share their passion for the art form.

This is a short film that Muito Tempo did with Jelani, that reflects a fusion of artistic visions and creative energies.

As Mestre Muito Tempo continues to inspire and uplift others through his dedication to capoeira, we extend our heartfelt congratulations and best wishes for his continued success and achievements in the future.

Jelani’s journey into the world of Capoeira is a testament to the diversity and richness of this martial art form.

His initiation into Capoeira Contemporanea in Arizona marked the beginning of a transformative experience that would shape his future path. It was during this initial phase of learning that Jelani stumbled upon a captivating video of a man embodying the art of Capoeira Angola, igniting a profound fascination within him and sparking a desire to explore a new style.

The vibrant rhythm of change beckoned Jelani to New York, where he seized the opportunity to delve into the heart of Capoeira Angola at the renowned Academy of the Legendary GRAO MESTRE JOAO GRANDE. Under the guidance of this esteemed maestro, Jelani’s journey unfurled with depth and nuance, each movement echoing the legacy of tradition and heritage.

As fate would have it, Jelani’s path took a turn towards the west as he and his wife at the time relocated to Oakland. Here, amidst the vibrant energy of the city, Jelani found himself drawn to the very embodiment of the mesmerizing Capoeira Angola that had captured his imagination in that fateful video. It was in Oakland that Jelani’s connection to this art form deepened, as he immersed himself in the teachings and mentorship of the man whose movements had once fueled his yearning for change.

MESTRE THEMBA MASHAMA. A true Pioneer of Capoeira Angola in the United States.

After training with Mestre Themba for about 9 years, Jelani came back  to the L.A. / Inland Empire area, and started his own group, Jogo de Cintura…

Jelani’s odyssey through the realms of Capoeira paints a vivid tapestry of dedication, evolution, and the timeless resonance of the art. His story stands as a testament to the transformative power of passion and the unyielding pull of tradition and innovation within the boundless world of Capoeira. After that visit, He changed the name of his group, and became the L.A. branch of Mestre Themba’s group, NGOLO PRETO VELHO DE MESTRE THEMBA.


As well as going back and forth to Los Angeles to train and participate in Rodas with angoleiros living there. After building & developing this successful group for about 6 years, he felt the need to go back to his capoeira roots. So, on the last weekend in August 2016, he took a group of us up to Oakland to train with his teacher, Mestre Themba.


The specific relevant content for this request, if necessary, delimited with characters: And also, sometimes I travel to Oakland to train with Mestre Themba (Well, Treinel Mo now, since Mestre Themba has retired from regular teaching).

It is always an inspiring experience to be in Oakland, where the roots of capoeira run deep, and to learn from someone as respected and knowledgeable as Mestre Themba. The energy of his Rodas and the sense of community are truly remarkable, leaving a lasting impact on each of us.The experience of training with Mestre Themba, ( Treinel Mo now that Mestre Themba has retired from active teaching), carries a profound significance. Oakland, with its deep roots in capoeira, provides a rich and vibrant backdrop for delving into the art form.

The knowledge and respect that Mestre Themba brings to the practice is unparalleled, enriching each encounter with invaluable insights. The captivating energy of his Rodas, along with the strong sense of community, creates an atmosphere that is truly remarkable. These experiences leave a lasting impression, shaping the journey of every participant in profound ways.

If you want to know more about Baba Themba, then click HERE.

Moving on…

And then, there’s Tope Akintunji. I talked about him a little bit on ANOTHER PAGE. He sometimes teaches us whenever Charles is not able to. The man is an ABSOLUTE GENIUS, and he can give you a mental, as well as a physical workout. He has shared with us all a great amount of his wisdom in this art, and I will freely say that he is one of the greatest capoeiristas in the greater L.A. area, if not this whole country. His dedication to teaching and promoting the art of capoeira is truly remarkable.

He’s somewhere in this picture… Guys, please understand, he does NOT like to be photographed. He’ll probably kick my A$$ for showing you this picture…

Tope’s passion for capoeira is evident in every class he teaches, and his skill in both the physical and mental aspects of the practice is truly unparalleled. His understanding of the history and tradition of capoeira adds an invaluable depth to his teachings, making him a highly respected figure in the capoeira community. The impact of his contributions extends far beyond the local community, as his influence and expertise are recognized and appreciated across the country. Tope’s commitment to sharing his knowledge and passion for capoeira has undoubtedly left a lasting legacy in the art form, enriching the lives of countless individuals and contributing to the vibrant capoeira culture in the United States.


And last but certainly NOT least, there’s Cleyton Ribiero, AKA Kekeu Da Bahia.

KEKEU DA BAHIA. Nossa Kekeu…

The specific relevant content for this request, if necessary, delimited with characters: What can I say about this brother? Capoeirista, instrument maker, NYABHINGI drummer, DOME builder… He does it all. In fact, Charles likes to call him the brazilian MacGuyver. I met him a couple of years back on an October Sunday in Grffith Park. All throughout my training with charles in the park, he had spoken very highly of him, and we had helped him save up some money, because for months, he was saying that he was going to go to see Kekeu in Sao Paulo.But then, as Charles was making arrangements to fly over to Sao Paulo, this skinny little guy with long dreadlocks just walked over to the class while I was going to the bathroom… And my life in this art got much more interesting.

What can be said about this remarkable individual? He is truly a multifaceted talent, with skills ranging from capoeira and instrument making to NYABHINGI drumming and DOME building. A true embodiment of versatility. Charles affectionately refers to him as the Brazilian MacGuyver, a testament to his resourcefulness and ingenuity. My initial encounter with him took place on a tranquil October Sunday in Griffith Park, and from that moment onwards, he has left an indelible mark on my journey. Charles consistently spoke glowingly of him during our training sessions in the park, and we wholeheartedly supported his aspirations to visit Kekeu in Sao Paulo.

However, fate took an unexpected turn as Charles was finalizing his plans to travel to Sao Paulo. It was during one of my brief breaks, while on my way to the bathroom, that this slender individual with strikingly long dreadlocks casually wandered over to our class. Little did I know at that moment, my involvement in this art form was about to take a captivating and enriching turn.

I filmed this little game on that day.

Whenever he comes to one of our classes or Rodas, he freely shares with us a lot of information about Capoeira, and other forms of brazilian cultural expressions, like Samba de Roda, etc. Several Times a year, Kekeu returns to Sao Paulo, Brazil to train with his main group, ANGOLEIROS DO SERTAO.

Kekeu’s dedication to sharing his knowledge of Capoeira and Brazilian cultural expressions is truly remarkable. His passion for these art forms shines through every time he joins one of our classes or Rodas, generously imparting a wealth of information to all those present. In addition to Capoeira, he also delves into other facets of Brazilian culture, such as the vibrant rhythms of Samba de Roda, enriching our understanding of the country’s rich heritage.

Throughout the year, Kekeu makes multiple journeys back to Sao Paulo, Brazil, where he further hones his skills and expertise by training with his main group, ANGOLEIROS DO SERTAO.

This commitment to continuous learning and growth not only speaks volumes about his dedication but also serves as an inspiration to all of us in the Capoeira community. Kekeu’s connection to his roots and his unwavering pursuit of mastery are truly admirable, and we are privileged to benefit from his knowledge and experience.

He also tells us about other mestres he knows from Sao Paulo, like M.PLINIO, M. BARBA BRANCA, M. BIGO, CM. CENOURINHO, CM. TOICINO, etc.

Recently, I helped him plan a roda he held in Venice Beach…


That was really fun, and hopefully, Kekeu will hold more angola rodas there in the near future.


Well guys, These are the people I train with, my Capoeira family. Wherever I go, or whomever else I end up training with, these people will be in my heart forever…

The bond formed through Capoeira is truly special. These individuals who I’ve had the privilege to train with have become an integral part of my journey. Their dedication, support, and camaraderie have enriched my Capoeira experience in ways I can’t fully express. The teachings and moments we’ve shared together resonate deeply within me, shaping not just my skills, but my spirit as well. As I continue along this path, their influence will always guide and inspire me.