Well, Yesterday marked my 10 anniversary in this game and way of life named Capoeira Angola!

Wow, certainly this journey has had its ups and downs… from the first time I started this journey with my teacher…

To the journey of learning the ins and outs of playing the berimbau…

The endless classes…

To all the amazing people I met along the way.

Throughout my journey in Capoeira Angola so far, I’ve undergone a fundamental change in my appearance, what I eat, how I exercise, how I move, while learning a whole new way of looking at this world we live in.

And learning about a different culture as well.

Now this is just a small milestone; my journey in Capoeira Angola is FAR from over. I’ve barely even scratched the surface of what this wonderful artform has to offer.

However, whatever else I do with my life, I will continue learning Capoeira Angola, even after I die.

And now, I would like to take a moment to honor and remember those who sacrificed so much to pass this art to the present…