Hello Everyone,

i’m starting a new blog series today. I love to watch martial art videos on YouTube. However, until now I only wanted to keep this site limited to Capoeira, specifically Capoeira Angola for obvious reasons. However, I figured that since I wrote around 50 permanent videos about Capoeira Angola and related topics, I thought it would be a good idea to start this series to post videos, documentaries, etc. about different martial art systems.

Each martial art has its own unique history, techniques, and philosophy, and by sharing videos and documentaries about these systems, I hope to educate and inspire all of you of the beauty of the Martial Arts. From the flowing movements of Tai Chi to the dynamic strikes of Muay Thai, the Martial Arts are are endless.

I’m going to start this series with a actual movie, Berry Gordy’s THE LAST DRAGON.

The specific relevant content for this request, if necessary, delimited with characters: This is one of the main movies that first inspired me to learn the martial arts as a boy. This is the first time I seen a movie with a black hero as the main character.

The impact of representation in media cannot be overstated. Seeing a character who represents you in a positive and empowering light can be incredibly influential, especially during formative years. This movie holds a significant place in my heart, not just for its action and storyline, but for the representation it brought to the screen.

You know, the impact of a powerful movie like this can resonate deeply within us, shaping our values and aspirations. The journey of the protagonist, their determination, and the lessons learned can leave a lasting impression on our young, impressionable minds. It’s incredible how a single story can ignite a passion and instill a sense of righteousness, guiding us to stand up for what we believe in and defend those we care about. It’s a testament to the profound influence that cinema can have on our lives, shaping our perception of the world and inspiring us to pursue noble ideals.

the 2 videos below are more ‘commentary” about the film.

I did not like this particular video,because it implies that this movie is somehow cursed. However, my heart goes out to the families of the costars featured in this video who have passed away.

The video below was created purely for entertainment purposes, reflecting a lighthearted and playful approach. However, forming a personal opinion about the film is best achieved through watching the movie itself. It’s essential to experience the storyline, characters, and cinematic elements firsthand to fully appreciate the unique qualities and creative expression it offers. Observing the scenes, absorbing the dialogue, and understanding the director’s vision all contribute to the immersive and enriching experience of the film. Therefore, taking the time to view the movie allows for a comprehensive understanding and an informed perspective when engaging in discussions or assessments of the work.

The first blog of Martial Arts Theater comes to a close with this concluding message. It is my sincerest hope that you found enjoyment and value in the content provided.


The phenomena of Colonialism/Gentrification is deeply rooted in the entitlement of certain groups to occupy and control land, often resulting in the displacement, exploitation, and erasure of Indigenous, kidnapped, migrant, and local communities. This historical pattern has led to significant injustices and inequalities, shaping the social and economic landscape of many regions. Understanding and addressing these complex issues requires an examination of historical power dynamics and a commitment to supporting marginalized communities in their fight for equality and justice.

Gentrification often leads to the displacement of long-time residents, primarily from marginalized communities, echoing the historical injustices perpetuated by colonialism. By acknowledging the parallels between the two, it becomes clear that gentrification is not an isolated modern phenomenon, but rather a continuation of systemic oppression and exploitation. This perspective prompts a critical examination of urban development policies and the need for equitable solutions that prioritize the well-being of all community members.

Click on the words below to check out a great article on this subject.

It’s true, gentrification isn’t the new colonialism, it’s just the old one.



In this interview, John Henrik Clarke eloquently dissects the insidious practice of whitewashing history. This egregious phenomenon involves the deliberate alteration or concealment of facts, events, and perspectives in order to promote a more favorable or dominant narrative, typically from the viewpoint of the ruling or dominant group. Throughout history, this practice has been disturbingly pervasive, with colonizers, conquerors, and dominant cultures often reshaping historical accounts to align with their own agendas, further marginalizing the voices and experiences of the oppressed.

Remarkably, indigenous cultures have often possessed rich oral histories that have been unjustly sidelined or disregarded in favor of written records produced by colonizers. This erasure not only deprives these cultures of their rightful voices but also perpetuates harmful stereotypes and misconceptions.

The impact of whitewashing history reverberates within the hallowed halls of museums as well, where certain artifacts or narratives are spotlighted while others are consigned to the shadows of archives. This selective curation frequently reinforces colonial narratives and dismisses the experiences of marginalized groups, thus perpetuating a distorted version of history.

It is crucial to recognize that whitewashing history is not solely about the incorporation of certain elements; it is equally about the deliberate exclusion of others. This serves as a testament to the underlying power dynamics and raises profound questions regarding who holds the authority to shape the narrative of our shared history. The ramifications of whitewashing history are profound, casting a long shadow over our understanding of the past and informing our present-day perspectives and prejudices.

SELF-DEFENSE SERIES: A word about Women’s self defense.

When it comes to self-defense and martial arts, it’s important to understand that techniques for women or strategies to beat larger opponents should be approached with careful consideration and respect. Gender-specific techniques can be empowering when developed with the intention of addressing unique self-defense needs, taking into account differences in physical strength and stature. Similarly, strategies to overcome larger opponents should focus on leveraging agility, technique, and situational awareness rather than sheer force.

It’s crucial to emphasize that everyone, regardless of gender or size, deserves to learn effective self-defense techniques. By creating a supportive and inclusive environment, individuals can cultivate valuable skills that prioritize safety and well-being. This approach not only fosters a sense of empowerment and confidence but also promotes a deeper understanding of the principles of martial arts – discipline, respect, and resilience.

In conclusion, while it’s important to acknowledge the specific challenges that certain individuals may face in self-defense scenarios, the ultimate goal should be to provide comprehensive, adaptable techniques that can be effectively utilized by anyone. By embracing diversity and promoting an inclusive approach to martial arts and self-defense, we can create a community where everyone feels empowered and capable.


For a few years now, there was a cruel game “played” by teenagers called the knockout game.

This disturbing trend involves individuals targeting unsuspecting victims and attempting to render them unconscious with a single blow. The consequences of such actions can be severe, leading to serious injuries and even fatalities in some cases. The impact of this behavior on both the victims and their communities is substantial, creating fear and distrust among the population.

Efforts to address this issue have included education and awareness campaigns, as well as law enforcement initiatives to prevent and address violent behavior. Additionally, community leaders and organizations have worked to promote empathy and understanding, seeking to address the root causes of such destructive actions. It’s important for society as a whole to come together to condemn and combat acts of violence like the knockout game, fostering an environment of safety and respect for all individuals.

If you’re targeted for such an attack, here’s a video that you might want to see.

Certainly, when facing the potential of being targeted for a cyber attack, it’s crucial to stay informed and prepared. In today’s digital landscape, the threat of cyber attacks is a very real concern for individuals and organizations alike. It’s important to take proactive measures to safeguard your digital assets and personal information. This particular video could provide valuable insights and guidance on how to identify, prevent, and respond to cyber attacks, empowering you to enhance your cybersecurity posture. By arming yourself with knowledge and best practices, you can better protect yourself and mitigate the risks associated with cyber threats. Remember, staying informed and proactive is key to defending against cyber attacks.


Vim no navio de Aruanda, Aruanda ê

Vim no navio de Aruanda, Aruanda ê
Vim no navio de Aruanda, Aruanda á
Porque me trouxeram de Aruanda
Pra que me trouxeram de Aruanda
Vim no navio de Aruanda, Aruanda ê

Vim no navio de Aruanda, Aruanda ê
Vim no navio de Aruanda, Aruanda á
Porque me trouxeram de Aruanda
Pra que me trouxeram de Aruanda
Vim no navio de Aruanda, Aruanda ê

Hello everybody,

I posted this video before, but I think It needs to be posted agaim. I think that to get more of an understanding of Capoeira’s roots, you should learn more about the people who created capoeira, and what they have to go through.

Understanding the historical and cultural context of Capoeira is essential to truly appreciate this art form. Delving into the lives and experiences of the creators of Capoeira provides invaluable insight into the origins of this martial art. Their struggles, triumphs, and the social environment in which Capoeira emerged all contribute to its rich and diverse nature. By exploring the stories and journeys of the individuals who shaped Capoeira, one gains a deeper appreciation for the art and its significance in history.


Hi Guys,

I’d like to type about Black Panther for a minute.

When the marvel movie Black Panther was first released, it was celebrated as the hero for African people. This praise stemmed from the significance of having a superhero movie with a predominantly Black cast and a storyline that celebrated African culture. The film’s impact went beyond the typical superhero movie as it resonated deeply within the Black community and contributed to a broader conversation about diversity and representation in the film industry, capturing the hearts of audiences worldwide.

The character of Black Panther, also known as T’Challa, became an empowering symbol for many, inspiring pride and serving as a beacon of hope and strength. Its success not only at the box office but also in cultural relevance solidified its place in cinematic history and opened doors for more diverse and inclusive storytelling in the entertainment world.

But, was he really the “AFRICAN HERO” that he was made out to be?

Well in my opinion, he is not.

I believe he was ,ore of a sanitized Puppet that hollywood has created for black people to look to, rather as a actual champion of freedom for african peopkle.

It’s essential for movies to reflect a balanced and authentic portrayal of different cultures and continents. The representation of Africa in film has often been criticized for perpetuating stereotypes and misconceptions rather than showcasing the diverse and multifaceted reality of the continent.

When Hollywood presents a narrow and skewed view of Africa, it can lead to misconceptions and further perpetuate stereotypes, ultimately impacting how people perceive and understand this vibrant and culturally rich continent. It’s important for filmmakers and storytellers to engage in responsible and respectful representation, shedding light on the complexities and beauty of Africa instead of succumbing to clichéd and inaccurate portrayals. Authentic depictions can help bridge cultural gaps and foster greater understanding and appreciation for the diversity found within Africa.

When in actuality, africa is a very beautiful continent…



Identifying an abusive relationship can be a complex and delicate matter. Abuse in relationships can manifest in various forms such as physical, emotional, psychological, financial, or sexual abuse. It’s important to be attentive to certain signs that may indicate an abusive relationship. These signs can include controlling behavior, isolation from friends and family, manipulation, intimidation, and frequent criticism.

In addition to these signs, it’s crucial to pay attention to any sudden changes in a person’s behavior or mood. Victims of abuse may exhibit signs of fear, anxiety, depression, or low self-esteem. They might also make excuses for their partner’s behavior or become overly secretive about their relationship. It’s important to offer support and understanding to individuals who may be experiencing abuse, and to help them find the resources they need to seek help and protect themselves. Awareness of the indicators of an abusive relationship is essential in order to provide assistance to those who may be in need.“`

Furthermore, it’s essential to trust your instincts and seek support from trusted individuals or professionals. If you suspect that you or someone you know is in an abusive relationship, reaching out for help and guidance is crucial. Remember, you are not alone, and there are resources available to assist you through this challenging situation. It’s important to recognize the signs of an abusive relationship, such as controlling behavior, physical or emotional harm, and isolation from loved ones. Seeking help can be the first step toward creating a safer and healthier environment for yourself or someone you care about. You deserve to be in a supportive and loving relationship, and there are people ready to help you navigate the complexities of this difficult situation. Whether it’s through counseling, support groups, or legal assistance, there are dedicated professionals and organizations committed to providing aid and guidance. Your well-being is paramount, and taking proactive steps to address potential abuse is a courageous and empowering decision. Trust in the support available to you and know that there are compassionate individuals who are ready to offer assistance without judgment. You have the strength to overcome these challenges, and seeking help is a positive and proactive choice.

If you, or anyone you know needs assistance, National Domestic Violence Hotline Free · Confidential · Hours: Available 24 hours

Call 1-800-799-SAFE (7233)

You’re not alone


Hello Everyone

How to survive in… THE HOOD

Living in an urban neighborhood, often referred to as “the hood,” can present unique challenges. To survive and thrive in such an environment, it’s important to prioritize safety, build relationships with the community, and seek out resources for support. Here are some tips to navigate life in the hood:

  1. Safety first: Be aware of your surroundings at all times. Avoid walking alone at night and stay in well-lit areas. It’s also essential to know the local emergency numbers and have a plan in case of an emergency.
  2. Community connections: Building relationships with your neighbors can provide a sense of belonging and support. Participating in local events or volunteering can help you connect with others in the community.
  3. Seek support: Look for local organizations or resources that can provide assistance with education, job opportunities, or other essential services. Community centers, libraries, and local non-profits can be valuable sources of support.
  4. Education and empowerment: Focus on personal development and education. By improving your skills and knowledge, you can create more opportunities for yourself and contribute positively to the community.
  5. Conflict resolution: In the hood, conflicts may arise, and it’s important to seek peaceful resolutions whenever possible. Avoid getting involved in disputes that could escalate into violence and seek help from community leaders or authorities if needed.

Remember, everyone’s experience in the hood is unique, and these tips can serve as a starting point for adapting to your specific circumstances. Embracing the strengths of the community and seeking out support can help you not only survive but thrive in the hood.

Now, having typed that, I present to you this video compilation below. Although it was made for entertainment, there’s a lot of tips that in my opinion can save someone’s life if they follow them, which is why I posted it here. so watch it, laugh with it… and learn.

It’s always beneficial to come across entertaining yet informative content like this. The fusion of enjoyment and valuable insights holds the potential to make a significant impact. Whether it’s discovering new safety measures or gaining a fresh perspective on various scenarios, there’s an underlying value that adds depth to the overall experience. Embracing the opportunity to learn while being entertained can truly enhance our understanding and potentially contribute to our well-being. So go ahead, indulge in this compilation, absorb the tips, have a good laugh, and most importantly, take away something meaningful to enhance your daily life.

5º Encontro Nacional de Capoeira Angola de Belo Horizonte /Minas Gerais – Brasi

The 5th Meeting, which took place in September 2019 in the city of Belo Horizonte, brought together the community of Saudade/Alto Vera Cruz in a celebration of Capoeira Angola. Organized by ESCOLA Iuna de Capoeira Angola, the event received crucial financial support from the Municipal Culture Incentive Law (Municipal Cultural Fund – Project 1485/2017-PBH) and partnered with key institutions such as IPHAN/MG, IEPHA, ALMR, and UFMG CuLtural Center. The participation of several Capoeira masters from Brazil added depth and significance to the gathering, fostering a rich exchange of knowledge and tradition.

The event, entitled “TRIBUTE TO THE 130 AND YEARS OF MESTRE PASTINHA”, served as a testament to the enduring legacy of Mestre Pastinha. Through artful expression masterfully created by Helder Cavalcante, the spirit of Mestre Pastinha and the Capoeira tradition were honored in a truly beautiful and meaningful way. The organizers express their sincere gratitude to all the participants whose contributions illuminated this remarkable occasion.

5º Encontro, realizado em Setembro de 2019 na cidade de Belo Horizonte no espaço do IPHAN/MG e na comunidade Saudade/Alto Vera Cruz ,pela ESCOLA Iuna de Capoeira Angola, com apoio financeiro da Lei Municipal de Incentivo a cultura(Fundo Municipal de Cultura – Projeto 1485/2017-PBH) em parcerias com IPHAN /MG , IEPHA, ALMR, Centro CuLtural da UFMG e participação de vários mestres e mestras da Capoeira do Brasil. Nossos agradecimentos a todos os participantes que abrilhantaram este lindo evento. “HOMENAGEM AOS 130 E ANOS DE MESTRE PASTINHA “. Arte – Helder Cavalcante